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每天要问自己的5个问题 你的答案是什么?


Life is full of small questions: What will I wear to my meeting? What’s for lunch? Subway or cab?

Small questions are important as they facilitate the day to day running of our lives. The problem is, most people do not pause to ask themselves the big questions. The real questions. The questions that will change our lives for the better. Often we do not take a moment and think about what really matters to us and what our contribution to the world is. Our wise old friend Socrates said "an unexamined life is not worth living."

每天要问自己的5个问题 你的答案是什么?

Here are five questions that Susie Moore(Life Coach, New York City) asks her coaching clients to help them examine their lives. Take a few minutes, a quiet spot and ask these of yourself (warning: the answers might surprise you!):

1. How happy am I overall, today, out of 10?

Take into account all areas of your life when you do this. Whatever your number is, be honest about it with yourself. Then you can get real about what you can do to increase it.

2. What type of life do I want to lead?

Think about your life 10 years from now. Are you satisfied with your life if it is to continue exactly as it currently is? Are you content with your relationships, work, health? Picture the ideal life you could be living. How is it different? Visualizing helps us understand what it is that we can be doing differently now.