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Confidence and self-esteem in the workplace can go a long way. Too much of either, though, and you may end up being the dreaded "problem employee."

If you've got an inflated sense of self-worth or are just ignorant of how your bosses and co-workers perceive you, you could be dragging your team down without even realizing it.

Want to find out if you're the office outcast? Take a look at the list below.


1. You're always late.
1. 你总是迟到。

Maybe you just happen to move slowly in the morning, the line at your favorite lunch place adds 10 minutes to your break, or important calls seem to always come up before meetings. Whatever the case, rationalizing it won't help your reputation. Habitually poor time management will make your boss see you as selfish, disrespectful, unreliable, and disorganized.

2. You make a lot of excuses.
2. 你找很多借口。

People take notice when your excuses for why you can't do something outnumber the times you successfully do your work. And if problems you can't solve do arise during the day, communicate them to your boss and colleagues immediately and honestly.

3. You complain about unexpected assignments.
3. 你抱怨额外的工作量。

Nobody likes the surprise of extra work, but if you regularly communicate your dissatisfaction with grumbling or even an explicit denial of the assignment, you will be labeled as someone with a poor work ethic.

4. You love to gossip.
4. 你喜欢嚼舌根。

Getting the inside scoop on your colleagues can be hard to resist, and sharing all your problems with coworkers can be cathartic. But after time, rumors and complaints will be associated with you, and you will lose the respect of your peers.

5. You're convinced you're the smartest person in the office.
5. 你坚信自己是办公室最聪明的人。

Let's just assume that you are as brilliant as you think you are; you're still part of a team. And arrogant employees who don't respect the corporate hierarchy aren't going to last very long.