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宠物看性格:养狗的外向勤奋 养猫的内向邋遢


In the war of the pets, dogs have won the latest battle - or at least their owners have.

Research discovered not only are dogs the most popular animal of choice to have in the home - dog owners are hardworking early risers, and most likely to be married.

Meanwhile cat owners are shy, single and messy, and people who own rabbits are more likely to be creative, laid back scatterbrains.

Elsewhere, rabbit and dog owners said they were early risers, while cat lovers claimed to be night owls. The poll was conducted by UK pet insurer Petplan to celebrate the launch of its Find a Pet website.
另外,养兔子和养狗的人说自己是早起者,而养猫的人声称自己是夜猫子。英国宠物保险公司Petplan组织了这次调查问卷,来庆祝它的网站“Find a Pet”的开张。

宠物看性格:养狗的外向勤奋 养猫的内向邋遢

The most popular pet among the respondents was a dog, at 77 per cent. Cats owners made up 21 per cent of the respondents, while only 2 per cent owned rabbits.

Each participant was asked to describe themselves in three words. Over half of dog owners described themselves as hardworking, a third said they were outgoing and logical, while a fifth also described themselves as neat.

The most common description among cats owners was introverted (21 per cent), followed by messy (20 per cent) and couch potato (13 per cent).

The most hardworking dog lovers owned German Shepherds and the neatest dog owners had Border Terriers.

Among cat lovers, those who owned Persian cats were the most laid back, but people with Tortoise Shells were the most shy.

Elsewhere, dogs were most likely to be owned by married men who live in the countryside, while single females in their twenties owned the most cats.

How do pet owners rate themselves against other animal lovers?