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我需要喝果汁排毒吗 养生方法该听谁的?


Some drink only vegetable juice. Others soak in Epsom salts. It's all in the pursuit of ridding the body of months or years of accumulated toxins, said to be the cause of fat, fatigue, diabetes, memory problems and countless other conditions.

The question isn't just whether these techniques work. It's whether the body is overwhelmed by toxins to begin with.

The promises of liquid cleanses and other techniques have attracted legions of followers, celebrity endorsers and millions in venture capital funds. The trend has helped supercharge the U.S. diet industry, which passed $60 billion in sales last year. it has also made carrying gunky green juice a status symbol in fitness circles.

我需要喝果汁排毒吗 养生方法该听谁的?

Consuming more vegetables is great, mainstream doctors and nutritionists agree. But they dismiss the detox claims as a confusing jumble of science, pseudoscience and hype. They argue that humans already have a highly efficient system for filtering out most harmful substances -- the liver, kidneys and colon.

'If you're confused, you understand the issue perfectly,' says Edward Saltzman, an associate professor at Human Nutrition Center on Aging at Tufts University.
美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University) 人体营养中心之老化研究(Human Nutrition Center on Aging)副教授爱德华・索尔兹曼(Edward Saltzman)说:“如果你感到困惑,那你就已经明白问题之所在了。”

'Nobody has ever been able to tell me what these toxins are,' says Donald Hensrud, an internist and nutrition specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
唐纳德・韩斯鲁德(Donald Hensrud)是明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市(Rochester, Minn)梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的一名内科医生、营养专家,他说:“从来没有人能够告诉我,这些毒素到底是什么。”

Some detox regimens rely on what could be dangerous levels of calorie restriction if followed for long periods, these experts say. Other versions advocate 'what many of us already recommend -- eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer refined carbohydrates,' says Dr. Hensrud.

Detox proponents define toxins very broadly. Mark Hyman, a physician and author of six best-selling diet books, says the biggest toxic threats come from the American diet itself. 'We are eating pharmaceutical doses of sugar and flour,' which have overwhelmed the liver's ability to cope, says Dr. Hyman. He points to the overabundance of Americans with fatty liver disease, which leads to obesity, insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders.
排毒支持者对毒素的定义非常宽泛。六本最畅销饮食书籍的作者、医师马克・海曼(Mark Hyman)称,最大的毒素威胁来自美式饮食本身。海曼博士说,“我们正在进食药物剂量的糖和面粉,”这已使得肝脏的应对能力不堪重负。他指出,过多的美国人都患有脂肪肝疾病,而这将导致糖尿病、胰岛素抗性和其他一些代谢紊乱症。

He says Americans are also being assaulted by heavy metals (including mercury from large fish and old dental fillings) and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (including Bisphenol A in makeup and credit-card receipts) as well as 'spiritual toxins,' such as loneliness and hostility. But he says people reduce their exposure and enhance their ability to excrete such toxins with the right balance of foods, vitamins and minerals.

Dr. Hyman's latest book, 'The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet,' published in February, recommends avoiding all sugar, grains, dairy products, legumes, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods. Instead, followers consume a fruit-and-protein shake in the morning, then vegetables and lean protein for lunch and dinner.
海曼博士最新的一本著作名为《10天排毒餐的血糖解决方案》(The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet),已于2月份出版。该书建议要避免食用糖、谷物、乳制品、豆类、酒精、咖啡因和加工食品。取而代之的是,早上要喝一杯水果和蛋白质奶昔,然后是午餐和晚餐进食蔬菜与瘦蛋白。

He also suggests they take a long list of supplements and drink water with PGX, a form of fiber that expands in the stomach, before every meal. The combination resets the metabolism and cleans out the digestive system, Dr. Hyman says. He has also argued that a detox bath with Epsom salts each night helps remove heavy metals through the skin and reduces stress.

Liver specialists say that up to 20% of adults have some form of fatty liver disease, in which excess fat in the liver leads to inflammation, scar tissue and eventually liver failure. Some cases are due to alcohol abuse. Genetics, hepatitis, autoimmune disease and medication use also play a role. It isn't clear whether fatty liver causes obesity or vice versa.

Dr. Hyman says most doctors are 'hopelessly ignorant' about the impact of toxins on the body, but he concedes that further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms. 'Has anyone done a comprehensive study and measured the body's toxic burden before and after this approach? No,' he says. 'Do we need something like that? Yes.'
海曼博士说,大多数医生都对毒素对人体的影响“无可救药地无知”,但他承认,为了更好地理解该机制,大家需要进行进一步的研究。 “有没有人进行过一项全面综合性的研究、并在这一方法实施前后分别检测衡量人体的毒素负担?没有。”他说:“那我们需要类似这样的研究吗?需要。”

Both camps agree that taking a break from alcohol and caffeine even temporarily can improve one's health, starting with improved sleep. Eliminating alcohol can also lower liver enzymes that raise alcohol tolerance in heavy drinkers. That change can also be a good test of dependency -- if you can't quit for even a few days, that's a red flag. Kicking caffeine can lower blood pressure, but doing so abruptly can cause headaches and irritability, so some diets recommend tapering down ahead of time.