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我需要喝果汁排毒吗 养生方法该听谁的?

Other regimens counsel cutting out entire food groups -- such as wheat and dairy -- sometimes for 30 days or longer. Some followers say they feel more energetic, more clearheaded and less gassy as a result.

That may be because they have an unrecognized lactose intolerance or sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat. Scientists don't typically classify such foods as toxins. 'But if eliminating it from your diet makes you feel better, it may be a kind of personal toxin,' says Dr. Saltzman of Tufts. 'As long as the rest of your diet is sustainable and nutritionally adequate, that's fine.'

But some cleanses are often little more than fasting regimens. The 'master cleanse,' devised to treat ulcers in the 1940s, consists of six to 12 glasses of water mixed with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup, with a laxative at bedtime but no other food for up to 10 days. It leaves many nutrition experts scratching their heads. Dr. Saltzman says a variety of medicinal properties have been linked with lemon juice and that cayenne can help soothe lingering pain from shingles. 'The real puzzler is the maple syrup,' he says.
但有些 化排毒法基本上就是断食。“大师 化法”是20世纪40年代用来治疗溃疡的,它的配方如下:6到12杯混合了柠檬汁、番椒和枫树糖浆的水以及睡前一粒泻药,其他别的食物一概不吃,这样一共坚持10天。这种断食法让许多营养专家百思不得其解。索尔兹曼博士博士称,柠檬汁已与各种各样的医用价值联系起来了,而番椒则有助于舒缓带状疱疹带来的挥之不去的疼痛。他说:“真正令人不解的是枫树糖浆。”

Peter Glickman, who helped revive the cleanse in a 2004 book, writes that the first three days are the hardest and that serenity, euphoria and mental clarity set in after about Day Eight.
彼得・格里科曼(Peter Glickman)曾在2004年的一本书中帮助回顾了上述疗法。他写道,头三天是最难熬的,大约过了第八天以后,人就开始变得宁静、欣快并头脑清醒。

The Mayo Clinic's Dr. Hensrud says it could be incipient starvation instead. 'But once you reintroduce a normal diet, everything goes back to normal,' he says.

The bevy of prepackaged juice cleanses that have burst on the market in recent years incorporate fruits, vegetables and protein into their detox regimens. BluePrintCleanse's program, for example, consists of six 16-ounce drinks a day, in precise order, for three days.
预先包装好的排毒果汁套装将水果、蔬菜和蛋白质混在一起纳入其排毒养生疗法中,近些年已火爆市场。举个例子,蓝图 化清理(BluePrintCleanse)的项目就是由每天六瓶16盎司(约合454克)的饮品组成,消费者需按精确的顺序喝掉饮料,一共要坚持三天。

Elaine McCormick, a creative director at a Manhattan advertising firm, says she has gone on BluePrintCleanses four or five times. 'Whether I'm cleansing my liver or colon, I don't know. But my body feels better. I'm eating vegetables and getting calcium.' she says.
曼哈顿(Manhattan)一家广告公司的创意总监伊莱恩・麦考密克(Elaine McCormick)称自己已坚持使用四五次蓝图 化清理法了。她说:“我不知道自己是否在清理肝脏或结肠。但我的身体感觉好多了。我现在正在吃蔬菜并摄取钙。”

Many cleanse aficionados are health-conscious anyway. They say periodically restricting their intake helps reboot their system. 'It breaks your relationship with food,' says Anne Pollack, a former chief investment officer at a large insurance company, who does a detox twice a year for three weeks with a nutrition counselor. She gives up all wheat, dairy, sugar, soy, chicken, red meat and alcohol and eats only brown rice, fruits, green vegetables, salmon and supplements such as milk thistle. After that, she says, 'I have an amazing amount of energy. My skin is soft. My hair is shiny and my nails grow like crazy.'
不管怎么说,许多排毒净体的狂热追崇者都很注重健康。他们称,定期控制自己的摄取量有助于“重启”他们的身体系统。一家大型保险公司的前首席投资官安妮・波拉克(Anne Pollack)说:“它打破你和食物的关系。”波拉克每年会在一名营养顾问的指导下做两次排毒,每次排毒持续三周。她放弃了所有的小麦制品、乳制品、糖、大豆、鸡肉、红色肉类和酒水,并只吃糙米、水果、绿色蔬菜、三文鱼和诸如水飞蓟这样的保健品。在那之后,她说“我精力充沛得惊人。我的皮肤柔滑了,头发也发亮,指甲也开始发疯似地长。”

Some packaged juice cleanses contain considerable amounts of sugar, leading some proponents to grind up their own fruit and vegetable concoctions at home. Some nutritionists recommend using a blender rather than a juicer to retain more pulp, because a liquid diet without fiber can slow down digestion. That's partly why some juice cleanses advise using a colon cleanse before and after to fully flush out the intestinal tract.
有些包装好的排毒 化果汁含有大量的糖份,这使得一些推崇者在家榨取属于他们自己的果蔬混合物。有些营养学家建议使用搅拌机而非榨汁机,这么做是为了保留更多的果肉,因为不含纤维的液态饮食会使消化过程减速。这也就是为什么有些果汁 化法建议在喝饮品前进行一次结肠清洗、而之后则彻底冲洗整个肠道的部分原因。

Most gastroenterologists, however, advise against using supplements, laxatives, enemas and irrigation devices that purport to remove accumulated waste clogging up the colon. It seldom exists, doctors say, and would-be detoxers can become constipated by using laxatives too often.

Keeping the digestive tract moving normally is another reason many experts say simply eating more fruit and vegetables makes more sense than a drastic temporary regimen. New York nutritionist Bonnie Taub-Dix calls it 'clean eating.' She advises: 'Skip the cleanse. Have your green smoothie as a snack in the afternoon and then skip the vending machine.'
保持消化道的正常蠕动是许多专家坚持下面这一说法的另一个原因:单单多吃水果和蔬菜就比激进的暂时性的节食更有意义。纽约的营养师邦妮・托布-迪克斯(Bonnie Taub-Dix)将其称为“清洁进食”。她建议道:“别吃那些排毒 化品了。把你的绿色混合饮料当作零食在下午喝掉,然后就别再去自动贩卖机买吃的了。