5. 你不记得上次做有挑战性的工作是什么时候了。当然,有些人很乐意混日子领工资。但如果你想在个人和职业方面有进步,长时间做没挑战性的工作就和你的计划背道而驰了。(这并不意味着你要在觉得无聊的第一时间就辞职。你要长时间感觉止步不前而且未来看不到改进的希望。)
6. You’re receiving a lot more critical feedback in writing. If you’re suddenly getting a slew of critical feedback in emails or memos, it’s a sign your job could be in jeopardy. Many companies require writtendocumentation of problems before an employee is let go, so a sudden increase of written feedback (when you didn’t used to receive any) can be a sign that your boss is creating a paper trail to build a case for firing you.
6. 你收到很多负面反馈。如果你突然收到一堆批评责备的电子邮件或提醒,说明你的工作可能出现危机了。许多公司裁员前需要所犯错误的书面材料作证明,所以突然增加的书面反馈(你以前不怎么收到的)表明你的老板为了炒你正在捏造书面证据。
7. You’re on a formal performance improvement plan (PIP). PIPs are often the last thing that happens before you’re fired. In theory, if you meet the terms of the plan, you’ll preserve your job and be able to move forward. But in practice, by the time you’re on one, it’s often because things aren’t working out and aren’t likely to. That doesn’t mean that PIPs never end in success; sometimes they do. But since they so often don’t, it’s smart to be job-searching meanwhile.
7. 你要参加员工改造计划。这个计划一般是解雇前的最后一步了。从理论上讲,如果你满足计划的要求,你能保住饭碗继续工作。但实际上,你成为计划一员通常是因为事情没做好也不太可能做好了。并不是说参加计划的人都不会成功,有时候能行的。但由于成功率不高,在这段时间里换工作是明智之举。
8. Your boss tells you. If your boss says things like, “I need to see significant improvement” or “this could get you fired,” she’s not kidding. Too often, people hear feedback like this but don’t believe they would really be let go – and then are shocked when they’re suddenly out of a job. If your boss is telling you directly that things are serious, believe it – and start job searching.
8. 你的老板当面跟你说了。如果你的老板说“我要看到明显的进步”或“你可能会因为这个被炒”之类的话,她不是在开玩笑。往往人们听到这样的话时不相信他们会被解雇——然后真的被解雇时就惊呆了。如果你的老板直接告诉你事情很严重,要相信他的话,开始找工作吧。
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