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Not risk-free

But Suo warns that students should be cautious about online financial products. “In essence, investing in Yu’ebao equals investing in a monetary fund. Though Yu’ebao lowers investment barriers and costs, the risk levels are the same,” she says.

Li Daokui, a professor of economics at Tsinghua University, pointed out that the biggest risk of Yu’ebao may be the lack of information transparency. “High-risk credit products are the supporting asset of Yu’ebao. These risks are not revealed to individual investors,” he said during an interview on CCTV. “This may result in a squeeze of investment if some investors lose confidence in Yu’ebao,” he added.
清华大学经济学教授李稻葵也指出,余额宝最大的风险在于缺乏信息透明度。“余额宝的背后实际上是高风险信用产品,而这些风险并未披露给个体购买者,” 李稻葵在接受中央电视台采访时表示,“如果一些投资者对余额宝失去信心,就可能导致资金缩水。”

The solution for student investors, Suo believes, is to gain more financial knowledge and understand how financial services operate. “Grasping some basic financing principles can help students in avoiding or mitigating some risks and make wise investment choices,” she said.