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Thousands of cities around the globe turned off their lights for an hour to mark Earth Hour 2014, a symbolic show of support for the environment organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature.
全球上千个城市响应了2014年的“地球一小时”(Earth Hour)熄灯活动。这是一项由世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund for Nature)发起的一个象征性的环保运动。

Since the movement began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007, it has spread to more than 7,000 cities across more than 160 countries. Singapore continues to hold one of the world's largest lights-off events, drawing around 9,000 people this year to Marina Bay Sands, a commercial center typically awash in electricity.
该活动最初于2007年在澳大利亚悉尼举行,如今已推广至逾160多个国家的7,000多个城市。新加坡的熄灯活动规模之大依然处于全球之首,今年在该国滨海湾金沙(Marina Bay Sands)商业中心举行的熄灯活动吸引了约9,000人。

To mark the event actors Andrew Garfield, Jamie Foxx, Emma Stone and a cast of other celebrities from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie were in town.
为了庆祝这一活动,电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)中的演员安德鲁•加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)、吉米•福克斯(Jamie Foxx)和艾玛•斯通(Emma Stone)及其他影星也来到活动现场。


Other iconic landmarks that fell dark included the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok's Wat Arun temple, the Empire State Building in New York, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Sydney Opera House, Red Square in Moscow, the Bird's Nest in Beijing and Hong Kong Harbor.
其他熄灯的地标包括吉隆坡的双子塔(Petronas Twin Towers)、曼谷的郑王庙(Wat Arun temple)、纽约的帝国大厦(Empire State Building)、巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)、悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)、莫斯科红场(Red Square)、北京的鸟巢(Bird's Nest)及香港的维多利亚港(Hong Kong Harbor)。

As the movement has grown, more organizations and business have committed to switching off their lights in support of efforts to reduce their environmental footprint. In Singapore, at least 600 organizations and companies agreed to either switch off their lights or participate in movements to use fewer plastic bags, take shorter showers, turn up their air-conditioning units or switch to LED lighting.

This year the World Wide Fund for Nature also launched Earth Hour Blue, a crowdfunding platform aimed at raising money for environmental projects around the globe. On Mar. 26 a project to tackle the illegal wildlife trade in Asia by providing assistance to wildlife rangers became the first one to reach its target of $20,000 by relying completely on crowdfunding.
今年,世界自然基金会还发起了众筹平台平台“蓝色地球小时”(Earth Hour Blue)行动,该平台旨在为全球的环保项目募资。3月26日,一个通过帮助野生动物管理员来应对亚洲非法野生动物买卖的项目完全依赖众筹率先完成了2万美元筹资目标。

The hour-long event has little if any impact on electricity consumption, but as an awareness raising event it has registered success.

In a statement to mark Saturday's event, Andy Ridley, CEO and Co-Founder of Earth Hour, said Asia's rapidly growing digital presence is an added bonus that 'has helped power our movement.'
“地球一小时”的首席执行长、联合创始人里德利(Andy Ridley)在庆祝今年活动的声明中称,亚洲迅速发展的网络活动成为推动“地球一小时”活动的又一助力。