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Proving that China's fight against pollution has moved decisively into the realm of parody, bags containing mountain air were being shipped into one particularly smog-addled city over the weekend.

No, it wasn't a scene from Spaceballs . According to the organizer, a Henan-based travel company, 20 bright blue bags of air were shipped to Zhengzhou, capital of central China's Henan province, as a special treat for residents. The air originated from Laojun Mountain, some 120 miles away from the city, and was brought as part of a promotional gimmick to show oxygen-deprived city residents what they're missing.


In its account of the event, the state-run China News Service said that some of the residents who lined up for the chance to inhale--they were limited to a few minutes each--tried to wring the bags in order to extract every bit of air possible.
据中国官方媒体中国新闻社(China News Service)的描述,市民们排队只为一“吸”为快,每人限吸几分钟,意犹未尽的市民甚至“拧干”已经干瘪的空气袋,挤出最后一缕空气。

'I felt my baby move right when I breathed in,' one pregnant woman who participated in the event told the agency. 'I would love to walk in the mountain's forests after my child is born,' Sun added. China's environmental ministry announced last week that Zhengzhou was among the country's top 10 most-polluted cities. Its AQI on Monday was an unhealthy 158. By contrast, the Monday AQI forecast for Bakersfield, CA, the most polluted city in the U.S., was 45.
一位参与活动的孕妇说,她感觉自己吸气的时候肚子里的孩子都往右动了一下,等孩子出生后她一定要去山林里走走。据上周中国环境监测部门发布的信息,郑州是中国10大污染最严重的城市之一,周一该市空气质量指数(AQI)达到了158的“不健康”水平。 相比之下,美国污染最严重的城市──加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德周一的AQI为45。

The canned-air idea is hardly unique to Henan: Rags-to-riches Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao, known for his splashy publicity stunts, including his past efforts to woo the owners of the New York Times, began selling such cans in 2012.
“罐装空气”绝非河南独有。以爱造噱头闻名、一度想收购《纽约时报》(New York Times)的中国巨富陈光标早在2012年就卖过这种罐头。

In case you weren't among one of the lucky ones who got a lungful in Henan this weekend, China Real Time has your how-to on buying a perhaps more practical tool here.
如果你没能有幸在河南一品新鲜空气的话,请参考《中国实时报》(China Real Time)关于如何选购防霾口罩的文章。