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职场越来越像高中 如何让自己在职场更受欢迎


Is the workplace becoming more like high school?

'Likability' is becoming a bigger factor for success at work as social networks and videoconferencing grow. The impact goes beyond a high-school popularity contest. The ability to come across as likable is shaping how people are sized up and treated by bosses and co-workers.

Likable people are more apt to be hired, get help at work, get useful information from others and have mistakes forgiven. A study of 133 managers last year by researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that if an auditor is likable and gives a well-organized argument, managers tend to comply with his suggestions, even if they disagree and the auditor lacks supporting evidence.
讨人喜欢之人获得工作机会、在工作中得到帮助、从别人那儿获得有用信息以及错误得到原谅的可能性更高。马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts)的研究人员去年对133名管理者的调研发现,如果一名审计师招人喜欢并且提出了条理清晰的论据,管理者往往会遵从他的建议,即使他们并不赞同而且审计师也缺乏佐证。

职场愈像高中 如何让自己在职场更受欢迎

Likability is more important -- and harder to pull off -- on video than in person. Sometimes this can result in a style-over-substance effect. People watching a speaker on a videoconference are more influenced by how much they like the speaker than by the quality of the speaker's arguments, according to a 2008 study in Management Science. The opposite is true when a speaker appears in person. The use of personal videoconferencing is expected to grow 47% annually through 2017, according to Wainhouse Research, a Boston market-research firm.
与当面交流相比,讨人喜欢的能力在视频中更重要,而且也更难表现出来。有时候这还会引发一种外表高于实质的效应。《管理科学》(Management Science)在2008年刊登的一项研究表明,对于视频会议中的讲话者,人们会更多地受到他们对讲话者的好感度,而非其理据质量的影响。在讲话者真人出现时,情况正好相反。波士顿市场调研公司Wainhouse Research称,到2017年底个人视频会议的使用量每年将增加47%。

Social networking also places a premium on likability. More employers track employees' likability on in-house social networks and chat services. They recruit those who are trusted and well-liked to spread information or push through changes. Some companies take these employees' social clout into account when handing out raises and promotions.

Listeners tend to like speakers who seem trustworthy and authentic, who tell an engaging or persuasive story and who seem to have things in common with them, says Noah Zandan, president of Quantified Impressions in Austin, Texas, a provider of communications analytics. On video, these qualities can be hard to convey.
得克萨斯奥斯汀交际分析服务商Quantified Impressions的总裁诺厄·赞丹(Noah Zandan)指出,听众往往喜欢讲述的事例吸引人或有说服力、看上去值得信赖和真诚的讲话者,以及似乎与他们有共同点的讲话者。这些品质在视频中难以表现出来。

Many people make a negative impression on video by becoming stiff and emotionless, or by exaggerating their points. 'Overacting is rampant. It's easy to go Ryan Seacrest when the red light goes on, ' says Tim Sanders, author of 'The Likeability Factor' and a lecturer on the topic.
许多人在视频中会变得僵硬呆板、面无表情或者夸大他们的观点,从而给人留下不好的印象。《好感度指数》(The Likeability Factor)一书的作者、该主题培训讲师蒂姆·桑德斯(Tim Sanders)说:“过度反应非常普遍。摄像机的红灯一亮,人们很容易就变得像瑞安·西克雷斯特(Ryan Seacrest)一样了。”

Job applicants interviewed on video receive lower likability ratings and interview scores, and are less likely to be recommended for hiring, than candidates interviewed in person, according to a study published last year in Management Decision.
去年发表于《管理决策》(Management Decision)的一项研究指出,与当面接受面试的求职者相比,进行视频面试的求职者获得的好感度评分与面试分数更低,而且被推荐雇用的几率也更低。