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When Tomi Tuel's husband comes home from a business trip, she grills him a steak and mixes up a Mudslide cocktail, bakes a cake and hangs party streamers from the fan over the kitchen table. Once after an especially long trip, she and the children dressed up the dog -- in a tutu, reindeer ears and a sign around its neck that read: 'Welcome home, Dad!'
当多美·托尔(Tomi Tuel)的丈夫结束出差回到家后,多美给他煎了牛排、调了一杯香浓丝滑的鸡尾酒、烤了一块蛋糕,还在厨房餐桌上方的风扇上挂了许多聚会彩带。每次多美的丈夫长期出差后回家,她和孩子们都会将宠物狗盛装打扮一番——给它穿上芭蕾舞裙、戴上麋鹿角,再在它的脖子上挂上一块写有“欢迎回家,老爸!”的牌子。

'He thanked and thanked me,' says Ms. Tuel, 48, who lives in Folsom, Calif., and is a state budget analyst. 'He was just gushing.'

Do you go out of your way to show your spouse you care?


You should. Experts say a common cause of divorce is the feeling of being unappreciated by one's spouse. It is a problem that sneaks up on a relationship. Couples expect that having children or financial difficulties will put a strain on their relationship. Yet they are often uNPRepared for the sadness and resentment that result from feeling ignored or taken for granted by their partner.

Now here's the good news: Studies show that demonstrating appreciation for your partner not only makes the other person feel better, it makes you feel better, too.

One of the best ways to show your spouse you really care is to go out of your way to celebrate good things that happen to him or her. Think of it as leveraging the positive. Researchers call it 'capitalization' and say it is just as important -- and maybe more so -- than being supportive in tough times.

Researchers found people whose spouses were supportive when things were going right believed the partners also would be helpful if things should go wrong. The research was published in 2012 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 'Just the perception that there would be support during bad times increased their emotional intimacy, trust and marital satisfaction,' says Shelly Gable, professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a co-author on the study.
研究人员发现,那些在顺遂的日子获得了来自伴侣支持的人普遍相信,他们的伴侣在患难时也能对他们鼎力支持。该研究于2012年发表于《个性与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)。加州大学 塔芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)的心理学和大脑科学教授、该研究的合著者谢利·盖布尔(Shelly Gable)表示:“单单是这种患难时期会得到支持的信念就能增进伴侣间的亲密关系、信任和对婚姻的满意度。

Another big plus: It's a lot easier to celebrate good times than to support someone through bad times. While it's important to be there for a partner when he or she is under stress, research shows there are challenges, too. You may not know what kind of help your spouse truly needs. Your support may make your partner feel vulnerable or indebted and focus more attention on the problem. And even when you succeed in giving support, you are bringing your partner's mood up to baseline, not necessarily making him or her happy.

And finally: 'Positive events occur more often than negative events,' Dr. Gable says. 'So there are a lot more opportunities.'

Dr. Gable counts four possible responses to a partner's good news. You can ignore it or turn the subject back to yourself. Your spouse tells you she got a raise, and you respond with, 'What's for dinner?' or 'Wait until you hear what happened to me today.' Researchers call this a 'passive destructive' response.

An 'active destructive' response would be if you aggressively worked to dampen your spouse's enthusiasm. 'You got a raise? Doesn't that mean you will have to work a lot more?' Or 'how will you handle the stress?'

You could be polite but show little interest -- the 'passive positive' response. 'That's nice, dear. What would you like for dinner?'

None of these will do your relationship any favors. The correct response -- if you want to help your marriage now and down the road, research shows -- is 'active constructive,' where you display enthusiasm. Be a thoughtful listener. Ask questions. Be interested and excited. And to show you really understand your spouse, point out why the news is important. 'I know how hard you worked to earn this promotion. You'll be a great leader. Let's go to dinner to celebrate.' Studies show this type of response increases all three positive outcomes -- emotional intimacy, trust and marital satisfaction -- for both partners.

In addition to celebrating good times, experts say, it is essential to show appreciation to your spouse regularly, as in every day. 'You need to participate in relationships to keep them alive,' Dr. Gable says.