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商务人士 一部手机不够用怎么办?




When he worked at a Southern California law firm, Luke Cocalis had one cellphone, a Samsung Galaxy. But using the single device for both personal and professional activities became stressful in ways he hadn't foreseen.
卢克·可卡里斯(Luke Cocalis)在南加州一家律师事务所工作时有一部三星盖世(Samsung Galaxy)手机。可是一台设备既要用于个人事务又要用于工作活动,这让他产生了未曾预见到的压力。

'I would pick up the phone for something else and I would see a work email, and I would feel the temptation to get involved,' says the 28-year-old Encinitas, Calif., resident. Some of the work emails, he says, were the kind that would 'ruin your night.'
“我本来是因为别的事情才拿起电话的,结果我会看到一封工作邮件,然后我会觉得自己有必要去处理那件事,”家住加利福尼亚州恩西尼塔斯(Encinitas, Calif.)的这位居民说。有些工作邮件是会“毁了你的夜晚”的那一类东西。

Mr. Cocalis found a solution -- a second phone. When he switched jobs last year, becoming an in-house attorney, he received a company-issued iPhone, and now he can literally put his work away by setting aside the iPhone. 'It frankly keeps me saner,' he says.

商务人士 一部手机不够用怎么办?

With work and home lives more intertwined than ever, some people are trying to maintain a clear line between the two by carrying two cellphones.

They are putting up with a cumbersome second device -- and an additional phone bill -- in favor of the ability to unplug from the office without going phone-less. And with pictures of the children on one device and emails to the boss on the other, having two phones creates an extra layer of privacy.

The dual-device habit comes as cellphones have become a focal point of daily life. Ninety percent of American adults have a cellphone, and 58% own a smartphone, according to the Pew Research Center. The average U.S. home had 6.5 Internet-connected devices at the end of 2013, up from 5.6 devices in 2012, according to NPD Group's Connected Intelligence/Connected Home Report.
随着手机业已成为日常生活的焦点,人们开始养成配备双机的习惯。根据皮尤研究中心(the Pew Research Center)的数据,90%的美国成年人拥有手机,58%拥有智能手机。根据NPD集团的《联网智能设备/联网家庭报告》(Connected Intelligence/Connected Home Report),美国家庭平均拥有的联网设备从2012年的5.6台增加到了2013年底时的6.5台。

Mr. Cocalis says his two phones keep him connected, but on his terms. He keeps his work iPhone handy. 'But I can also keep it away from me,' he says. 'If I'm going to dinner on a Saturday night, I don't need to take it.' His new boss has his personal cellphone number for emergencies. He says he intentionally picked an older model iPhone, the 4S, for work, so he isn't tempted to use it for more than email.

Erica Robbins, a 33-year-old production manager in Los Angeles, says having two phones helps her stay focused and maintain her privacy. She says she only ever brings her work-issued BlackBerry to meetings and leaves her personal Samsung Galaxy behind. 'I don't want to be distracted by anything that's not work-related,' Ms. Robbins says.
洛杉矶33岁的生产经理埃丽卡·罗宾斯(Erica Robbins)说,拥有两部手机有助于她专注工作和保护隐私。她说她去开会的时候从来只带处理工作事务的黑莓手机(work-issued BlackBerry),私事用的三星盖世手机则留在身后。罗宾斯说:“我不想让与工作无关的任何事情分散精力。”

Ms. Robbins says she also has a 'Big Brother' consideration in the back of her mind. While there's nothing she does online that her company would object to, Ms. Robbins says, she prefers to keep personal activity out of her employer's reach. 'I really don't want work to ever be like, 'I'm going to take your phone, I'm going to see these things,' ' she says.
罗宾斯说她头脑中还有一个顾忌“老大哥”(Big Brother)(英国作家乔治·奥韦尔小说《1984》中的独裁者——译注)的考虑。罗宾斯说,虽然她在网上做的任何事公司都不会反对,但她还是坚持不让她的老板染指她的私人活动。她说:“我实在不想让工作变成‘我要拿走你的电话,我要看看这些东西’这般情形。”

Actually, companies do have the ability to access nearly all information on a company-issued device in the U.S. 'The general rule is companies can do what they wish with the communications and with the device itself,' says Lisa Sotto, a partner at the law firm Hunton & Williams and chairwoman of its privacy and cybersecurity group.
实际上,在美国,企业的确有能力获取公司配发设备上的几乎所有信息。何威律师事务所(Hunton & Williams)的合伙人及该事务所隐私与网络安全组的组长莉萨·索托(Lisa Sotto)说:“普遍的规则是,公司对通讯记录和设备本身可以做他们想做的任何事。”

That's for good reason, Ms. Sotto adds. A company would want to be able to access a device in the event of litigation involving an employee's email or text messages. If the device is lost or stolen, the company would want to be able to wipe it remotely -- deleting personal pictures and texts in the process -- so potentially sensitive data wouldn't be disseminated.

And many companies, no matter the size, are at least spot-checking emails, looking for potentially illegal or 'untoward' behavior, Ms. Sotto says.
索托说,很多公司,不管 规模大小如何,至少是在抽查电子邮件,以期发现可能存在的非法或“意想不到的”行为。

People who have personal devices loaded with company email or software could be subject to similar activities. The safest assumption, Ms. Sotto says, is, 'if you are co-mingling work and play, you should expect that your employer could seek access to the 'play' data.'