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商务人士 一部手机不够用怎么办?

Hilda Canes Garduno, a 37-year-old resident of Fairfax, Va., says she has no expectation of privacy as a project manager for the federal government. Her work may be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests, internal investigations and litigation. She keeps all her personal activities, including pictures of her children, on her Samsung Galaxy, and all of her mobile work on her government-issued BlackBerry.
家住弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯(Fairfax, Va.)的37岁的希尔达·卡内斯·贾杜诺(Hilda Canes Garduno)说,身为一名为联邦政府工作的项目经理,她没指望有什么隐私。她的工作也许要受制于《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)中申请、内部调查和诉讼条款。她把包括孩子们照片在内的所有私人事务都放在了她的三星盖世手机里,所有可移动的工作资料都放在政府配发给她的黑莓手机里。

Like many two-phone people, Ms. Canes Garduno keeps her other devices on one side or the other of the work-personal divide. She has a work-issued laptop, two personal laptops and the family's desktop computer. Her husband, an attorney, has a work and a personal laptop, and a work-issued iPad along with the family iPad. 'I like having that clear demarcation,' she says.
Brian Harkin for The Wall Street Journal纽约的克洛艾·伊夫绅有一部私人使用的iPhone 5C和用于工作的诺基亚Lumia 822。与很多双手机人士一样,卡内斯·贾杜诺把她的其它设备也进行了工作和私用的区分。她有一台单位发的笔记本电脑,两台私人电脑和一台家用台式电脑。她丈夫是一名律师,也有分别用于办公和私人事务的笔记本电脑,一台单位配发的iPad以及家用的iPad。“我喜欢这样的明确区分,”她说。

It wasn't hard mastering two operating systems for her two different phones, Ms. Canes Garduno says. The real challenge is keeping everything charged. At night, she makes sure to plug in each device. 'It's almost like putting them to bed,' she says.

Then there is the question of how best to carry two phones. Ryan Schinman, a 42-year-old chief executive of an entertainment consulting firm in New York, keeps his Samsung Focus in his right front pants pocket and tucks his BlackBerry into the left pocket of a blazer.
接下来问题就是,两部手机如何携带才最好。42岁的里安·斯金曼(Ryan Schinman)是纽约一家娱乐资讯公司的董事长,他把他的三星Focus手机放在右前裤兜里,把他的黑莓手机塞进了便装上衣的左兜。

Teasing from friends or colleagues is common. Among the jabs Mr. Schinman hears: 'You are too important for just one device,' which he laughs off.

Mr. Schinman, who spends a lot of time on the phone, likes taking calls on his Samsung while reading emails on his BlackBerry. If he loses one phone, he can call it with the other. 'If one battery does, God forbid, go out, I have an actual working phone as well,' he says.

Despite all their efforts, two-phone people may have their home and work worlds collide. Chloe Ifshin, a 24-year-old assistant talent manager in New York, has two phones and keeps a strict divide between work and personal emails. But text messages and phone calls are becoming increasingly blurred.
尽管做了努力,双手机人士的家庭与工作世界还是有可能会发生矛盾。纽约24岁的人才管理经理助理克洛艾·伊夫绅(Chloe Ifshin)有两部手机,他把工作邮件和私人邮件截然分开,但短信和电话越来越多地混在一起了。

'I have friends who are clients and clients who are friends,' she says. 'So it's difficult to entirely separate those things.' Work contacts migrate to her personal phone, and friends know to reach her on her work phone.

'There are a lot of things I need to check,' she says of her two-phone lifestyle. 'I have twice the voice-mail accounts, twice the emails, twice the text messages, twice the missed calls.'

It has become second nature, says Ms. Ifshin, who has had a smartphone since 2007, her freshman year of college. 'I guess I feel like if I'm going to have any devices, I may as well have two.'
伊夫绅说,这已经变成了第二天性 。她从2007年读大一开始就有了一部智能手机。“我想我的感觉是,如果我要拥有 任何设备,我最好还是拥有两台。”