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A dispute between mainland Chinese tourists and locals over a toddler urinating in a Hong Kong street has once again become a flash point in already tense cross-border relations.

Several video clips that have been widely circulated online did not capture the scenes of the toddler urinating, but show the young couple, carrying their two-year-old girl, locked in a fierce quarrel with two local Hong Kong young men.

During the scuffle the couple snatched the memory card from the young man’s camera and tried to leave the scene. The young men stopped them from leaving and called the police.


Surrounded by onlookers on the street, the woman desperately explained to the crowd that they had found a public toilet but saw there was a long queue, so had no other choice but to let their child to relieve himself on the street instead.

“The kid was going to pee in his pants, what do you want me do?” the mother asked the young men. Her enraged husband repeatedly asked the two men: “Do you have a kid? Do your children take pees?”
“孩子都要尿在裤子里了,你叫我怎么办?” 孩子母亲反问年轻男子。孩子的父亲也很生气,不停地质问两名年轻男子:“你有孩子吗?你的小孩是不是也要小便?”

The two men held onto the pram to stop the couple from leaving, prompting the woman to hit one of the men on his arm. The video clips ended when a police officer arrived at the scene.

The husband and wife were subsequently arrested on suspicion of theft and assault respectively during the incident, a spokeswoman for Hong Kong police told the South China Morning Post on Tuesday.

She added the woman was later released on bail and was due to report back to police in mid-May for a pending investigation, while her husband was released unconditionally.

Numerous mainland media agencies reposted the news on their official accounts of Weibo, drawing more than a million comments or reposts by Wenesday.

Online reactions were very much polarised. The majority of online users in mainland China say they found the parents’ behaviour understandable as they had tried to find a toilet for their child.