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英媒评出十佳亚洲小说 《红楼梦》居首

6、All About H Hatterr

G V Desani (1948)
作者:G·V·德萨尼 (1948年出版)

It’s the glorious mash-up of English and Indian colloquialism that makes this book, about the son of a European merchant and a Malayan lady, such a wild, whimsical delight. Anthony Burgess admired its “creative chaos that grumbles at the restraining banks”.

7、The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Haruki Murakami (1994)
作者:村上春树 (1994年出版)

This labyrinthine and hallucinogenic novel gets going when Toru Okada’s cat disappears in suburban Tokyo. He consults a pair of psychic sisters who appear to him in dreams and reality. But although Murakami’s plot meanders, it never loses its pace or its humanity.

8、Spring Snow

Yukio Mishima (1969-71)
作者:三岛由纪夫 (1969年-1971年间出版)

Before committing ritual suicide in November 1970, Mishima posted this tetralogy of novels (named after a dry lunar plain once believed awash with water) to his publisher. It’s a saga of 20th-century Japan, in which a law student imagines a school friend constantly reincarnated.

9、Midnight's Children

Salman Rushdie (1980)
作者:萨尔曼·拉什迪 (1980年出版)

Magic realism meets postcolonial India in the ambitious, colourful and clever novel which was awarded the “Booker of Bookers” Prize. Hero Saleem Sinai is born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947: the second of India’s independence and is endowed with an extraordinary talent.

10、The God of Small Things

Arundhati Roy (1997)
作者:阿伦德哈蒂·罗伊 (1997年出版)

This intense and exquisitely written tale of fraternal twins unfolds against a backdrop of communism, the caste system, and Christianity in Kerala from the Sixties to the Nineties. “Change is one thing,” writes Roy in her Booker Prize-winning debut, “Acceptance is another”.