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从8岁训练的准CEO 培养孩子的创业精神


Jensen Bergman spent weeks preparing to pitch his team's business idea to investors. Minutes before the meeting, he was playing ping-pong outside the board room to stay calm.
詹森·伯格曼(Jensen Bergman)准备将他团队的商业理念推销给投资者,他为此花了数周时间准备。见面前的几分钟,为了保持冷静,他在董事会会议室外打起了乒乓球。

Jensen is 9 years old.

'If they say no, it's going to be really upsetting for us,' he said as one of his teammates wheeled up beside him on a tiny scooter.

Jensen was taking part in a program called '8 and Up' that teaches young children about entrepreneurship. As a culmination of the class, which met for six weeks in Princeton, N.J., and cost $350, Jensen and his 15 peers would soon pitch their idea -- 'Tiger KidsClub,' a Friday night hangout space for children -- to real, grown-up investors at Tigerlabs, a local seed fund.
Emile Wamsteker for The Wall Street Journal 图片:小小CEO:创业从八岁学起伯格曼参加了一个名为8 and Up的项目,这个项目是为了培养小孩子的创业精神。孩子们将在新泽西州普林斯顿(Princeton)参加为期六周的课程,学费为350美元。很快,作为这一课程的高潮部分,伯格曼就要和他的15个小伙伴将他们的“老虎儿童俱乐部”(Tiger KidsClub)——一个为孩子设立的周五聚会玩耍之所——的创意推销给当地种子基金公司“老虎实验室”(Tigerlabs)的投资者,真正的、成年的投资者。

从8岁训练的准CEO 培养孩子的创业精神

As startups like WhatsApp and Oculus VR Inc. get snapped up for billions of dollars and others, like Twitter and Facebook, go public for more, younger children are filling classes, camps and other programs that promise to develop entrepreneurial skills in the pre-pubescent set.
即时通讯应用提供商WhatsApp和虚拟现实头戴设备公司Oculus VR等初创公司争取到了数以十亿美元计的投资,推特(Twitter)和Facebook等公司则通过上市筹到了更多资金,与此同时,年幼的孩子们也纷纷参加课程、野营等项目,这些项目承诺能培养尚未到青春期的孩子创业技巧。

Some scholars argue that cultivating entrepreneurship in the very young is vital, as children are born imaginative, energetic, and willing to take risks, but lose this entrepreneurial spirit over time. Advocates say such programs make up for gaps left by an educational system that ill prepares students for a tech-centric, rapidly shifting job market.

'It's best to teach them at age 5,' says Cristal Glangchai, founder of VentureLab in San Antonio, which offers a weeklong course for 5- to 7-year-old girls called Girl Startup 101. It costs $255 for five six-hour days of instruction, including lessons on 3-D prototyping, market research, business modeling and pricing.
安东尼奥(San Antonio)VentureLab的创始人克丽丝特尔·格朗才(Cristal Glangchai)说:“最好是在五岁时教他们。”VentureLab面向五至七岁的女孩开设有为期一周的课程,名为“女孩创业101”(Girl Startup 101)。课程学费为255美元,每天提供六个小时的指导,一共五天,课程内容包括3D原型法技术、市场调研、商业建模和定价。

In a similar course last summer, Ms. Glangchai says she helped a 5-year-old identify a problem: getting into trouble for eating Play-Doh. The solution: After polling students and parents, he created a marketing plan for a line of edible clay-like products in various flavors.

Frederick Mendler's daughter, Isabel, age 6, has attended Girl Startup twice, last summer and in March. Mr. Mendler, who co-founded a recruitment-technology startup called TrueAbility, says he was skeptical of a class aimed at such a young audience. But he says he hoped the class would help her be 'independent,' something she wasn't getting from 'all the princess books and the Barbies.'
弗雷德里克·门德勒(Frederick Mendler)六岁的女儿伊莎贝尔(Isabel)分别于去年夏天和今年三月参加过两次“女孩创业”的课程。弗雷德里克与人共同创建了招聘技术初创企业TrueAbility,他说,虽然他对这一类针对这么小的孩子开设的课程持怀疑态度,但他希望这个课程能帮助女儿“独立”,而这一点是她无法从“公主王子的童话书和芭比娃娃”中学到的。

He has been pleased with the result. One recent evening, Isabel -- a big fan of the Disney film 'The Princess and the Frog,' which is set in Louisiana -- proposed opening a business to sell New Orleans-style beignets.
弗雷德里克对结果感到满意。伊莎贝尔是迪斯尼电影《公主与青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)的超级粉丝,这部电影的场景设在路易斯安那州。最近一个傍晚,她提议开设一家公司,售卖新奥尔良风味的贝奈特饼。

James Schrager, who has been teaching entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business since 1981, says interest in venture capital rises and falls along with the stock market. Today's camps and classes, he says, can be seen as modern attempts to replicate the old ways families taught children about business, most notably by bringing them to the workplace.
詹姆斯·史瑞格(James Schrager)自1981年以来一直在芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business)教授企业管理。史瑞格说,人们对风投的兴趣随着股市起伏。他说,以前的家庭为了向孩子们传授商业知识,最常见的是将他们带去工作场所,如今的野营活动和课程,则可以被视作传统方法的现代演绎。

'Shark Tank,' an ABC reality-television program in which contestants pitch to a group of investors, recently ran an episode featuring entrepreneurs under 18. Kevin O'Leary, a venture capitalist and founder of Softkey Software, as well as an investment fund company called O'Leary Funds, says he was once chased down at an airport by a hopeful 9-year-old contestant.
“创智赢家”(Shark Tank)是美国广播公司(ABC)一档由参赛者竞相向投资者推销理念的电视真人秀。该真人秀最近针对年龄在18岁以下的创业者制作了一期节目。风险投资人、Softkey Software创始人、投资基金公司“奥利里基金”(O'Leary Funds)的创建者凯文·奥利里(Kevin O'Leary)说,他有次在机场曾被一名很有希望的九岁参赛者认出。