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从8岁训练的准CEO 培养孩子的创业精神

Kiowa Kavovit, who was six years old in the March 14 episode, pitched Boo Boo Goo, a waterproof, liquid bandage available in many colors. On the show, Kiowa and her father were granted an offer, contingent upon a patent being granted to the product, of $100,000 from Mr. O'Leary, who also asked for a 25% stake in the company.
现年六岁的基奥瓦·卡沃维特(Kiowa Kavovit)是3月14日那期节目的参赛者,他推销的是一款有多种颜色可选的液体防水创可贴Boo Boo Goo。节目中,她和她父亲获得了奥利里10万美元的或有投资,投给这款产品的专利权。奥利里则要求拥有该公司25%的股份。

Most entrepreneurship classes for children follow this basic format: Students are presented with a problem, tasked with finding a solution, and often put in groups to pitch and, eventually, execute the idea.

Children's business ideas can be unexpectedly adult. In an entrepreneurship class at Long Island University's Brooklyn campus called 'Lemonade Stand 101,' a group of children under 12 faced the problem of differentiating juice stands in a crowded market. Some suggested offering fancy sweeteners adults would enjoy, like agave, said instructor Michael Murphy, who has worked for the advertising agency Young & Rubicam.
孩子们的商业理念有时可能成熟得出人意料。在长岛大学布鲁克林校区(Long Island University's Brooklyn campus)举办的一项名为“柠檬汁小摊101”(Lemonade Stand 101)的创业课程中,一群不到12岁的孩子遇到了一个难题:如何在拥挤的市场中使你的果汁摊位显得与众不同。指导员麦克·墨菲(Michael Murphy)说,一些孩子建议提供成年人喜欢的独特的甜味剂,如龙舌兰。墨菲曾在电扬广告公司(Young & Rubicam)工作。

In March, Karl Ulrich, a professor of entrepreneurship at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, stopped by his sons' school to help teach middle-schoolers a three-day entrepreneurship course focused on a problem facing a local business. Little Baby's Ice Cream wanted to offer a wedding-cake option, but making big, meltable cakes last through a wedding was proving something of a challenge.
卡尔·乌尔里克(Karl Ulrich)是宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的企业管理教授,今年三月,他的儿子们就读的学校请他去帮忙给中学生上三天的企业管理课,内容围绕当地一家企业遭遇的一个难题展开。Little Baby's Ice Cream公司希望推出一款冰激凌结婚蛋糕,但要让一个易于融化的大蛋糕撑过婚礼并不是件容易的事。

One child solution: Why not pipe liquid nitrogen around the cake to cool it? Pete Angevine, who helped found Little Baby's Ice Cream, says he liked that idea so much that the company plans to test it by experimenting with liquid nitrogen at NextFab, a Philadelphia maker space.
一个小孩提议:为何不在蛋糕周围用装满液态氮的管子装饰起来,助之冷却降温呢?帮助创办了Little Baby's Ice Cream的彼得·安杰文(Pete Angevine)说,他非常喜欢这个主意,公司计划在费城的创客空间NextFab用液态氮进行实验,测试这一方法。

Entrepreneurship classes have their skeptics. Mr. Ulrich's wife, Nancy Bentley, a professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, says she is fine having her sons learn entrepreneurial approaches to problems. But she is wary of the 'hero-worship' of entrepreneurs -- the 'fuzzy thinking that there's some kind of magic dust and if you have it, it's going to mean wealth and growth and all kinds of good things,' she says.
亦有人对创业课程持怀疑态度。乌尔里克的妻子南希·本特利(Nancy Bentley)是宾夕法尼亚大学的一名英语教授。她说,她对儿子们学习企业家解决问题的方法没有意见,但是她担心他们会对企业家产生“英雄崇拜”,担心他们“会觉得有什么魔法粉尘,只要你拥有了它就能拥有财富、成长和一切美好的东西”。