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What I am going to discuss in this article is taking a macro look at some of the myths that many careerist might believe to be true. Hopefully all of us will then start to adopt a different approach to craft the ideal career.

Myth 1: I only answer to my boss

Fact: Just because you interact better with your bosses doesn't mean you are in for a glorious career. In fact, one of the most important hiring criteria for many companies is the individual’s ability to work as a team player—yet, so many of us have colleagues who don’t play well with others. Make teamwork a priority!


Myth 2: There is one perfect occupation waiting for me somewhere

Fact: Many occupations have the potential to satisfy your career goals. Once you clearly defined what you are looking for in a career, you will find that there are a number of occupations that matches these criteria. But seriously, don’t find a career you deem perfect, instead make the career you have now a perfect one.

Myth 3: I should choose an occupation based on my strongest skills

Fact: It is risky to consider only your skills for a career decision because skills are only one of the components of a full self-evaluation; interests and values are equally as important in the decision making process. Just because you are good at admin work does not mean you will be happy working in a law firm (if you do not enjoy dealing with subjects in this industry).
Myth 4: The best place for me to start looking for an occupation is where employers are doing lots of hiring right now

Fact: The job market fluctuates constantly. Employment opportunities can change dramatically. Although projections are available from information resources, this data should be used with caution. There is an inevitable lag time between the demands for certain occupations and the response to this demand. It is thus more important for us to equip ourselves with valuable generic skill-sets.