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Hong Kong's once-sizzling property market has turned so frosty that developers have resorted to discounts and other incentives to lure buyers to new apartment complexes.

The new units are still expensive even after the givebacks -- some are commanding US$2,500 a square foot, or more, which rivals new luxury condos in Manhattan.

But the price cuts mark a sharp break from the overheated market of just two years ago, before the government stepped in to cool price increases.


Incentives ranging from 18-month payment delays to limited-time discounts and cash rebates are aimed at stoking a market that turned stagnant last year as buyers sat out and transaction totals fell. Some developers also are offering second mortgages via nonbank finance companies worth up to 25% of the purchase price of more expensive properties. (Banks in Hong Kong are allowed to lend no more than 50% on apartments costing over 10 million Hong Kong dollars, or US$1.3 million.)

'Everybody is doing it,' Nicole Wong, a real-estate analyst at brokerage firm CLSA, said of the discounts. 'You've more supply fighting for a smaller amount of money and fewer buyers.'
里昂证券(CLSA)房地产分析师王艳(Nicole Wong)称,开发商都在打折,住房供应增多了,但资金和购房者却减少了。

After a bull run that sent house prices doubling from 2008 to 2013, the government sought to rein in the market with various measures starting in late 2012. They included higher minimum down payments and sales taxes levied on transactions, or stamp duties, of up to 8.5%. As a result, the number of Hong Kong real-estate transactions fell to a 23-year low last year.

Authorities also imposed a so-called double-stamp duty, of 17%, on property purchases made by non-Hong Kong residents, including those from mainland China, who often were blamed for pushing up the price of real estate.

Hong Kong's measures iced the market, especially deterring foreign buyers and speculators, according to analysts. The number of residential transactions declined 56% in 2013, according to government data. Prices rose only slightly compared with 2012, according to an index by property agency Centaline. Government figures show an increase in 2013, but a slight decline in the first two months of 2014.

Developers have had to sweeten their offers. The discounts started to appear late last year.

So far, efforts seem to be working. Spring is traditionally busy and large crowds of aspiring homeowners have crowded the showrooms at the launches of new projects.

'It's like Marks & Spencer's with a Christmas sale,' said Wong Leung Sing, an analyst at Centaline, referring to the department-store chain.
中原地产分析师黄良升表示,新楼盘人头涌动的景象堪比马莎百货(Marks & Spencer Group)的圣诞节促销场面。

While fewer transactions are being done in the overall housing market, sales of new apartments are on the rise, according to government figures. Transactions increased 23% in the first quarter from a year earlier, for a total value of HK$32 billion, a 28% increase from last year.