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The Hong Kong government has said it has no intention of repealing the cooling measures at the moment.

Even luxury condos are being discounted. Connie Law, a 52-year-old homemaker, recently explored 10 new developments to buy. She settled on a three-bedroom apartment of 1,280 square feet in a new development in Hong Kong's middle-class Quarry Bay neighborhood.
一些高档住宅项目也加入看打折行列。想要购房的52岁的家庭主妇Connie Law近期看了十处新楼盘,最终选定了靠近口鱼涌的一套面积1,280平方英尺(合119平方米)、有三间卧房的住宅。口鱼涌是香港中产阶级聚居的地方。

Ms. Law said that after a 4.25% discount from the developer, her family paid HK$27.3 million for the flat, about twice the price of a comparably sized flat in the 29-year-old buildings that line the rest of the block. 'The discount was a help,' Ms. Law said.

The city's largest developer, Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd., is among the most aggressive in price cutting. In April, it opened a 144-unit development in the suburb of Fanling. With prices starting at HK$8,814 a square foot, the new units were offered at about 10% below similar-size units at a comparable one-year-old building nearby.
香港最大的房地产开发商新鸿基地产发展有限公司(Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd., 简称:新鸿基地产)是降价动作最激进的公司之一。今年4月,该公司在粉岭郊区的144个单位的开发项目开盘,起价为每平方英尺8,814港元,比附近可比的一年前开盘的同等面积楼盘低了大约10%

The company said it would offer additional 5% discounts to those who paid in cash, 3% to anyone who signs a contract before May 31 and 2% for those who don't need a second mortgage to finance the purchase. Sun Hung Kai also is offering one-year bridge loans for as much as 70% of an apartment's value.

In February, the company set the price for a batch of 156 apartments at its large Riva project in suburban Yuen Long at 40% lower than for the first bunch of units it sold at the same development in March 2013.
今年2月,该公司为元朗郊区Riva 项目的156个住宅单位定的价格比2013年3月同一开发项目出售的第一批住宅低了40%。

A spokeswoman said the company's strategy adjusts prices 'to market sentiment.'

Earlier this year, at a new development called The Avenue in the city's bustling Wanchai neighborhood, Sino Land Co. and Hopewell Holdings Ltd. offered 17.5% discounts for cash buyers. Factoring in the discounts, the new units sold at around HK$19,000 a square foot, or about 20% cheaper than comparable upscale units in nearby buildings.
今年早些时候,在香港喧闹的湾仔区一个名为“The Avenue”的新开发项目上,信和置业有限公司(Sino Land Co.)和合和实业有限公司(Hopewell Holdings Ltd.)为现金购房者提供17.5%的折扣。把这一折扣计算进来之后,新住宅单位的售价大约为每平方英尺1.9万港元,比附近的可比高档住宅低大约20%。

The price reductions so far have been focused only on new apartments, but analysts say it is inevitable that sellers of existing units will follow suit.

Still, some home buyers remain cautious. After Raymond Ho, a 50-year-old accountant at an electronic-components company, sold his two-bedroom apartment in Kowloon, he was inundated with calls from agents. He is now looking to buy in one of several new developments in the northern New Territories suburbs for easier access to mainland China, where he often travels for work.
不过,一些购房者仍持谨慎态度。Raymond Ho现年50岁,在一家电子配件公司当会计,在售出自己在九龙的两居室之后,他的电话就被房地产中介给打爆了。如今,他正计划着在北部的新界郊区的几个新开发项目中买一套住宅,因为这里进出中国内地很方便,他为了工作的原因要经常到内地去。

He has looked at several developments but hasn't made an offer yet. 'The prices do look attractive at first glance, but I know that it's also a gimmick,' he said. 'There's a lot of choice.'