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全球聚焦南美洲 巴西世界杯能赚钱吗


In a mid-May meeting with sports journalists, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff used a local metaphor to say that once the World Cup began, Brazilians would forget their worries. “Once the jaguar drinks the water,” she said, “this country will go crazy.”
在5月中旬与体育记者的会面当中,巴西总统迪尔玛o罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)引用了一个当地的比喻,她说:“一旦美洲豹开始喝水,这个国家就会为之疯狂。”意思是说世界杯一开始,巴西人就会将烦恼抛之脑后。

That Dilma (as she is known) hopes that the local populace will get swept up in the spectacle is understandable, considering the protests she’s endured over her government’s spending on the event.

At the opening ceremony for the Confederations Cup soccer tournament in Brasilia last June, Dilma and Sepp Blatter, the president of FIFA, which runs the World Cup, were booed by protesters demanding better education, healthcare, and transportation.
在去年6月举行的联合会杯足球锦标赛开幕仪式上,迪尔玛和国际足联(世界杯运营方)主席瑟普o布拉特(Sepp Blatter)遭到了反对人士的狂嘘,因为这些人要求政府把钱花在改善教育、医疗和交通服务方面。

全球聚焦南美洲 巴西世界杯能赚钱吗

This May, demonstrators angry that the country was spending money on new stadiums — whose estimated costs have risen by half since 2010, to $3.5 billion — instead of low-income housing held another wave of protests in 18 Brazilian cities. Some held banners saying, “FIFA go home.”

Polls taken by the Folha de Sao Paulo show thatsupport for the World Cup has fallen from 79% in 2008 to 48% today.
《圣保罗页报》(Folha de Sao Paulo)举行的民意调查显示,对于世界杯的支持人数已从2008年的79%跌至如今的4%。

Even Brazilian soccer star Pele has begun to complain.

“It’s clear that, politically speaking, the money spent to build the stadiums was a lot,” he said recently in Mexico City. “Some of this money could have been invested in schools, in hospitals.”

If history is any guide, Dilma will get her wish and public discontent will turn into happiness once the first game starts. But that euphoria will pass. And it won’t answer whether spending billions to host a World Cup makes economic sense, especially for a developing country in dire need of basic improvements.

“World Cups are notoriously bad economic development anchors, particularly in developing countries, and four of the last five hosting countries have lost money,” says John Vrooman, a Vanderbilt University sports economist.
范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)体育经济学家约翰o弗罗曼(John Vrooman)说:“世界杯是一个臭名昭著、糟糕的经济发展落脚点,对于发展中国家来说尤其如此。在以往的5个举办国中,4个都亏了钱”。南非在举办2010年世界杯后的经历便证明了约翰o弗罗曼的观点。

South Africa’s experience since hosting the 2010 World Cup illustrates Vrooman’s point.

Like Brazil, South Africa built and upgraded several stadiums (10 in its case, compared to Brazil’s 12). And, as in Brazil, several were located in cities with no major professional teams to take them on after the Cup.
南非体育记者尼尔o柯林斯( Neal Collins)表示,“南非为世界杯所修建的大型场馆如今基本上已变成了名副其实的白象(昂贵的摆设)。”

“The great South African stadiums built for the World Cup are largely white elephants now, appropriate given the setting,” says Neal Collins, a sports journalist in South Africa.
夸祖鲁纳塔尔大学(University of KwaZulu-Natal)南非建成环境与开发研究学院教授帕特里克o邦德(Patrick Bond)预计,南非在场馆建设方面花费了25亿美元,因为这些场馆使用率不高,而且每年的维修和运营补贴需要约1800-2400万美元。为了解决“白象”问题,南非的一个工会建议将一个不赚钱的体育馆改为低收入人群住宅。在巴西城市玛瑙斯,一位法官建议在世界杯之后将当地的一座体院馆改成监狱。