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When have you done something that changed your life? Maybe a class you took. Maybe practicing something. Maybe working with a mentor.

It happened to me studying to become a professional coach. The work had an immense and positive impact on my entire life; changing how I see and live in the world. The tools and methodology enabled me to become an expert at the coaching process. But, even more important I learned this: Coaching is not just training. It is a way to live your life.

What I now teach, I strive to live; to be the same person coaching as I am when I'm not. It's "walking the walk... talking the talk." Integrity. Wholeness. Authenticity.


1. Hold the client's agenda

Coaches assist you to get what you want. We always focus on your choices. We never decide what is best for a client.

Who you are and what you want is your agenda. You have goals, hopes, dreams and intentions, and it's our job to help you meet them. We honor your values and assist you to be true to them.

Having an open mind, being non-judgmental is critical in coaching.

2. Detached involvement

Detaching has purpose, because even while you're intensely involved and empathetic with your clients life and questions, you remain totally open and objective.

Empathy allows you to connect emotionally with people. It's not sympathy, where you feel sorry for someone, instead you feel with them.

3. Three levels of listening

Listening takes practice. It's at the center of all the transformations that take place in coaching.

a. Subjective everyday listening, where you relate what is being said only to yourself.
a. 主观倾听是我们每日在做的。这种情况下,你只听到别人对你讲的内容。

b. Objective listening is deeper, with more focus on the other person.
b. 客观倾听则更深层次,更多的焦点放在他人身上。

c. Intuitive listening is the deepest, where you get to the heart of another person, using all your senses and instincts. It's the most valuable and powerful form of listening because it enables a trained coach to connect with you.
c. 直觉倾听是最深层次的。这时,你用所有的感官和直觉,深触他人内心。这是最有价值、最具力量的倾听形式,因为职业教练可以和你在情感上接轨。

Listening is a simple act and when you trust your intuition, you'll hear -- the tones, silences and energy levels of that person.

4. Get rid of judgment

In classes, it seemed we worked with every life situation there is. Coaching couples, individuals, anger, joy, your inner critic, building confidence, questions of age, family, children, grief, work, religion, love, sex, money, business and the unknown.

It wasn't just practice, but an awakening to the urgent obligation we each have never to judge another human being. Never to see their choices as good/bad, right/wrong. Not to be biased, prejudiced or opinionated on how someone else lives their life.

This is what I mean when I say -- coaching is not just training, it's a way of life.

5. Breaking up blocks

When Tim Miller (name changed) started coaching, he was a successful CPA, out of work, and not sure what he wanted to do. He described himself as, " ...a financial failure, never amounting to much, lazy, an underachiever."Immediately we talked about his heckler or "gremlin," his inner voice that said: "Tim, you'll always be a failure."

Coaching blocks is one of the important tools used to help a client get unstuck, to see what limits their potential, undermining confidence and progress.

Naming your "gremlin" helps take its power away.