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全球聚焦南美洲 巴西世界杯能赚钱吗

Patrick Bond, a professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s School of Built Environment and Development Studies in South Africa, estimates that the country spent about $2.5 billion on stadiums that, because they are underused, require some $18-24 million in annual maintenance and operation subsidies.
然而,举办世界杯的好处还是显而易见的。最近,在一篇名为《公共集资的私人收益》的研究中,密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的体育管理教授史蒂芬o斯茨曼斯基( Stefan Szymanski)和联席作者巴斯蒂安o德拉特(Bastien Drut)发现,世界杯过后的5年时间中,世界杯举办国球队赛事的上座率上升了15-25%;据作者估计,在2014年世界杯后的5个赛季内,巴西俱乐部的收入至少能增加1.82亿美元。

In response to this ‘white elephant’ problem, a South African union proposed turning one uNPRofitable stadium into low-income housing, while in the Brazilian city of Manaus, a judge has suggested converting a new local stadium into a prison after the tournament.
在另一篇名为《举办世界杯,观众将来自何方?》(If you host it, where will they come from?)的报告中,斯茨曼斯基和联席作者发现,在南非2010年世界杯赛事期间,到访的非邻国游客为20万出头,而当年到访南非的非邻国游客接近50万,分别增长8.1%和18.7%。

Still, there are some clear benefits to holding a World Cup. In a recent study titled, “The private benefit of public funding,” University of Michigan sport management professor Stefan Szymanskiand co-author Bastien Drut found that soccer teams in countries that hosted World Cups saw an increase in attendance of 15-25% in the five years afterwards; the authors estimated that clubs in Brazil would see increased revenues of at least $182 million in the five seasons after the 2014 games.

In another recent report titled “If you host it, where will they come from?” Szymanski and his co-authors found that the 2010 World Cup in South Africa attracted a little over 200,000 extra visitors from non-neighboring countries during the tournament, and almost 500,000 during the year, increases of 8.1% and 18.7% respectively.

There are benefits on an individual scale as well. In apost-World Cup report, the South African government claimed that stadium construction created 66,000 jobs that generated over $900 million in wages.

But for those who question the stadium booms, the issue is not the spending, but what it buys.

“Who knows what the figures really were,” says Bond. “What was the value of the land? And what are the opportunity costs? Let’s say we spent that money on housing. We would probably have many fewer riots.”

Bond says that, had his country been content with having fewer new stadiums in fewer cities, it could have created “a more African-scaled World Cup rather than the most profitable World Cup with the richest taking and the most glorious stadiums.”

Szymanski says that the real problem is the way in which the World Cup is conceived as a luxury event for visitors.

“The World Cup is not about going to a stadium to watch. It’s a global television spectacle,” he says. “Instead of putting on the most lavish World Cup you could imagine in up-to-date stadiums with huge pieces of infrastructure that have no plausible long-term value to the nation, you need to say we’re going to award it to a country that deserves to host it and we’re not going to require it to invest. The broadcast rights would still be worth a lot of money and sponsors would still pay.”