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41. Go to a water park. Summer is prime time for water park fun -- as long as you remember the suntan lotion.

42. Make your own fun "water park day." You don't have to have a water park near you to enjoy yourself. Grab some water balloons, a Slip 'n Slide, a kiddie pool (that can be used for lounging or even, when filled with ice, for storing drinks), some friends, and a hose.

43. Take a dance class. Feel awkward when you go out clubbing with friends? A dance class can help, even if it's something funky like swing or salsa.

44. Clean up your e-life. Super fun? Probably not. Will you feel better afterward? Most definitely. Dump your old facebook friends, clean up your laptop desktop, and delete old pictures you don't want -- or would hate to get in the wrong hands -- from your camera or phone. A clean e-slate is a great way to start your new year.

45. Host your own Iron Chef competition. Gather several friends and divide them into groups. Then, at a certain time one Saturday morning, e-mail out the secret ingredient. Everyone has to report back to, say, your house at 5:00. People will have fun and you'll have dinner on top of it.

46. Take a photography class. It can be a great way to have fun, meet people, get some skills, and see new parts of your town.

47. Organize an event at your church, temple, mosque, etc. If you're a little bored this summer, organize something fun with people you have something in common with.

48. Go to a music festival. The weather's nice, the music's great, and the people are fun and interesting. Take advantage of summer music festivals while you can.

49. Go golfing. Never been? Golfing can be a great workout, a fun way to spend the day outside, and an important skill to learn if you're interested in going into the business field.

50. Head to an amusement park. It's a summer classic and can easily turn into one of the highlights of your summer.