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History teaches us that a great tournament does not a great Premier League player make: the Karel Poborsky Rule, as it is known. By buying World Cup flop Diego Costa, Chelsea have cleverly insured against this. Let’s hope he doesn’t become the new Fernando Torres.


Pundits are better when they try


There’s been a notable increase in the amount of elbow grease put in by TV pundits in this World Cup, with the likes of Alan Shearer clearly having done research (or had it done for him) about the players he is watching. Let’s hope the Beeb pundits’ newfound appetite for homework extends to the domestic season as well.


Luis Suarez has got to go


Leaving aside morality and all that nonsense, Suarez losing the plot and biting Chiellini robbed his country of their best chance of progressing. Even Liverpool’s loyal supporters must now recognise that the guy is a liability: if he keeps doing these crazy things and keeps getting long bans, surely it doesn’t matter how good he is?


There’s no thrill like the thrill of the new…


You’d have to have a heart of stone not to enjoy the way people in America have embraced the World Cup, or to be inspired by Costa Rica toppling three previous winners and then battling on with 10 men to pinch it against Greece. Football is just more exciting when it’s not the same old teams winning all the time. Is it time for the Premier League to introduce some sort of draft system or wealth redistribution to try to level the playing field a bit? Or have we all just accepted that the spending power of the big four or five guarantees their dominance in perpetuity?


…But nothing succeeds like success


For all the thrills and spills of some of the less storied international teams, the quarter-final line-up does have a leather-bound, venerable feel: Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina are the most likely champs. The dream of having a new winner is an unlikely one – but still a bit more likely than someone new winning the Premier League.


So… how will this World Cup change the Premier League?


Some of the greatest moments of the World Cup have come about because of the fans, the atmospheres generated – Algeria v Germany, for instance, was made by the crowd. Wouldn’t it be nice if Premier League clubs realised that having fans who actually sing and make noise is what gives live football its thrill? So maybe stop pricing regular people out of the grounds?


There have hardly been any complete thrashings in this World Cup. Amazingly, Holland v Spain might be the most one-sided match of the tournament. Bigger teams hoarding players and walloping smaller teams is just not as entertaining. Sooner or later, something is going to have to be done.


No one's talking about refereeing mistakes much (though there have been plenty). Is it because we are all distracted by their spray cans? It sometimes feels like the Premier League is so dogged by controversial refereeing that arguing over that takes precedence over the football. The use of little bits of technology like goal-line and spraying the distance for a free-kick can help referees and take some of the pressure off.



In conclusion, it feels fitting that the last word should be about the Premier League’s best player: if Suarez does leave, it will be a duller league without him. Journalists and online Mr Angries alike should have a whip-round to keep him here. Who or what else would we all get so heated about? 45 days left to find a new controversial megastar…
