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Learn How to Earn Money, Get Experience -- and Still Enjoy the Summer

Having a college summer job is a requirement for most nearly every college student. But with so many types of jobs available, how can you be sure the job you're getting provides more than just a way to ear
n money?

10 Smart College Summer Jobs


1.Get something in your field of study.

Clearly, a summer job is a great way to get a bit of experience in your field of study -- as well as show future employers that you have experience in the field already. Art History major, for example? See if you can work in a museum, even if it's just taking tickets. Even a small job that doesn't seem super important can help you see how things run and provide you with relevant experience.

2.Go abroad/have a cultural immersion experience.

Not sure what you want to do? Interested in traveling but can't during the academic year? See if you can work somewhere different during the summer -- even if it's just in another part of the country. Your job may not be as interesting as you'd like, but you can still have a great experience and gain skills you can market later (like language skills, adaptability, and cultural awareness).

3.Work somewhere that can provide you with networking connections.

Even if you get a job that isn't exactly what you want, getting a job that can provide you with connections -- like professional references from your boss and people you'll meet during your time in the office -- can be a smart addition to the paycheck you get every week.

4.Get a job at the company you want to work for after graduation.

Do you have an ideal place for where you want to work after you graduate? Instead of seeing if they are hiring, approach them about doing some kind of summer work. It can be a great way to get your foot in the door and connect you with people so that, when a position does open up, they'll already be familiar with you and your great work.

5.Find something that will help you get into graduate school.

You may be an English major, for example, but you are planning on going to medical school. Show your dedication to the profession by working somewhere that connects more to your graduate plans than your undergraduate career -- like in a doctor's office or hospital. What you do outside of the classroom can often be incredibly important for you graduate school application; make it count!