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6.Look for something that provides amazing benefits.

There are jobs out there that provide benefits right when you start or even if you work part-time. They may not be your top choice of what to do, but any job provides money and experience that you can use to your advantage when looking for jobs after you graduate -- and jobs with good benefits can make your life as a student a lot easier. (Health insurance, anyone?)

7.Find something that teaches you the skills you want.

You may know you want to open your own business after you graduate, but your summer job is working at a non-profit community organization. Instead of looking at the job itself, look at what skills you'll gain while working there, like budgeting, marketing, customer service and administrative skills.

8.Work at a place that provides the time and pay to do what you really want.

Are you interested in having an internship -- but your financial situation requires that you have a paying job? Do you want to do research on a topic over the summer but don't have the funding? Find a job that pays the bills and allows you to pursue your other interests during the time you're not on the clock.

9.Get a job that simply lets you have fun and explore a hobby.

Are you, for example, a Sociology major but you love to cook? Getting a job that allows you to explore your hobbies, like cooking, can make you an interesting job candidate after you graduate. (After all, no one wants to hire boring employees, right?!) Look for a summer job that lets you pursue your cocurricular interests while learning important skills you can use later.

10.Find something that demonstrates your intellectual curiosity.

College is a great time to explore things that, while perhaps not specifically related to your career choice, are still interesting and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. So go do an architectural dig in Greece, help organize the archives at a famous library, or work as an artist's assistant. Jobs like these can help you earn the money you'll need while also showing future employers that you're an intellectually curious, hard-working employee.