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旅游达人 削减旅游花费的11种方法


旅游达人 削减旅游花费的11种方法

Traveling on a budget doesn’t mean you have to compromise on comfortable accommodations and decent flight times. In fact, experienced travelers already know how to maximize their travel budget and take advantage of low prices on travel packages, airline tickets and other travel-related expenses. Planning ahead will usually give you the upper hand when it comes to playing the vacation-booking game, and there are several tricks and tactics you can use to slash those costs even further.

1.Fly to alternate airports

When you are heading to a major city or other hub with multiple airports, consider all your options. Flights to alternate airports can be slightly less expensive than flying into a larger, international airport in the same city. In some cases, you might also be closer to your final destination and can skirt traffic. Just make sure to calculate taxi fares from all airports before.

2. Book and fly on the right day of the week.

Shop for airfare on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, suggests Travelzoo’s Senior Editor Gabe Saglie. Most airlines publish their sale fares on Tuesday, which is when competition to match those fares begins each week. You’re also likely to find a better deal when you fly on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday.
来自Travelzoo’s期刊的高级旅游编辑Gabe Saglie建议,在周二和周三购买飞机票。大部分的航线在周二会发布折扣,就是在这个时间段开始每周的价格竞争。当你选周二、周三或周六有飞行的时候,你就可能有一个好的折扣价。

3.Book group travel with a rewards card.

Earn bonus miles when booking a group trip by paying for travel expenses using a travel rewards credit card. The best travel rewards card program will allow you to earn extra miles under your own account, and group members can pay you in cash for their portion of the trip.Buying airline tickets with a rewards credit card is a smart move, especially if you travel frequently and are planning to take another trip in the near future.
支付预订团队游的旅行费用时,刷旅行积分信用卡,就可以积攒消费积分换里程。 最棒的旅行奖励积分卡项目这样操作:团体游的其他成员用现金支付给你代刷的旅行费用,而你自己的积分卡账户下可以获得额外的奖励里程。用高额旅游信用卡购买飞机票是非常聪明的举动,尤其是如果你出行很频繁而且计划在不远的将来开始另一端旅程。

4. Plan ahead for holiday weekends.

Holiday weekends are among the priciest times to fly, so unless you’re heading to a destination specifically to celebrate the holiday, steer clear of those long weekend trips. The weekend before or after a major holiday usually commands lower rates and fares.

5. Seek out off-peak deals.

Do your homework to find out which destinations are currently in their off-peak season. You’ll discover that many destinations around Europe have attractive package deals during the spring and early summer months. Traveling during the off-peak season could save you up to 50 percent or more on your entire vacation package.