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Imagine the Alternative

Leo Polovets, an ex-LinkedIn and Google employee who has a resume full of genius-filled environments, offers a simple but powerful trick to keep your perspective.
Leo Polovets以前在LinkedIn工作,现在是谷歌的员工,他的简历上的工作环境中到处都是天才。他提出了一个简单但是很有用的建议,能让你保持对事物的洞察力。

"How did I adjust?" he asks, "I considered the alternative to working with smarter people, and that was even less enticing. In my experience, working with people who are less smart or experienced than you is less educational, less rewarding, and more frustrating than working with those who are smarter/experienced. Working with great peers will help you up your game."

Remember What You Can Control

Sure, you were dealt whatever genetic hand you have when it comes to innate intellectual horsepower (though smarts may be more malleable than many of us believe), but there is still one giant factor 100% under your own control. As Gwynne Shotwell reminded the audience recently from the Women 2.0 Conference stage: "You can't control whether you're the smartest person in the room, but you can certainly control whether you're the most prepared.
"你的智力是由基因决定的(尽管聪明人可能更有可塑性),但是仍有一个很大的因素百分之百是由你自己控制的。就像Gwynne Shotwell 最近在妇女2.0大会上提醒观众的那样:“你无法控制自己是不是房间中最聪明的人,但是你却可以控制自己是不是里面准备最充分的人。”
"You can't get smarter. But you can always work harder than someone else," agrees Farhan Thawar, VP Engineeringat at XtremeLabs, on Quora, "so the adjustment is to work extremely hard at your craft until you feel like you fit in." Christina Bonnington, a writer for Wired, also concurs: "Pedigree doesn't mean anything. Work ethic is everything."
“你无法变得更加聪明。但是你总能比其他人更加努力,” XtremeLabs 的副总裁Farhan Thawar在Quora上写道,“所以调整方式就是努力工作直到你感觉自己融入了进去。”《连线》的作家Christina Bonnington也持同一意见:“血统并不意味着什么。职业道德就是一切。”

Read and Educate Yourself

This one may be simple, but it was one of the most common bits of advice. Charles Martin, for example, recalls that "a few year ago, I had a chance to work as a quant in a very large and successful hedge fund, and with former professors from MIT. The first thing I did was read the thesis of the managing director, so I could get 'into his head' and learn how he thinks. This made it much easier to work with him as a colleague." Consultant Mark Simchock boils it down to "read a lot."
这一条可能很简单,但它也是最常见的建议。例如,Charles Martin回想起“几年前,我有一个机会在一家非常大、非常成功的对冲基金公司工作,还是和几个以前是MIT教授的人员工作。我做的第一件事就是读总经理的论文,这样我就可以知道他是怎么思考的。这样把他作为同事一起工作就容易多了。”Mark Simchock把它浓缩为“多读。”

Also, aim for diversity in what you pick up. You probably aren't going to out-expert the experts, but you could contribute that key piece of out-of-left-field knowledge. "I tried to absorb all the information I could from outside so that occasionally I could contribute a perspective that was different, without being completely idiotic," reports Edwards.

Don't Compete

The more you're competing the less you're learning and accomplishing. "Don't start competing. The day you'll accept the fact that there will always exist smarter people, learning will become much easier," advises Rajay Chamria. "Don't compete, contemplate," agrees Saraswati Chandra.
你参与的竞争越多,你学到的和完成的内容越少。“不要开始竞争。总有一天,你会接受总有更聪明的人这个事实。等到那一天来临,你学习起来就简单多了,”Rajay Chamria建议到。“不要竞争,要沉思,”Saraswati Chandra赞同道。