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澳洲小狮子家里蹲 晋升喵科新萌物


At six weeks of age, little Nathan, Mal and their sister who is yet to be named, resemble three kittens purring and napping for the majority of the day.

But by the end of the year, Ben Britton, 37, expects his current African lion roommates to weigh up to 40 kilograms each and no longer fit on his couch.

As the director of Wild Animal Encounters in Western Sydney, Mr Britton has taken on the role of the lions' mother from the day they were born, after their natural mother rejected them.

澳洲小狮子家里蹲 晋升喵科新萌物

'They're sleeping around 20-22 hours a day at the moment so they're not very active, they only have short bursts of energy when they're fed which is about four times a day, and then they crash about half an hour after that.'

'Yeah - they have already worked out how to get on the lounge. They just take a little run and jump.'

But as their weight grows by one kilogram a week, it won't be long before the big cats can no longer find a space on the couch.

Bringing the animals out of their enclosures and into new environments, including his home, is a regularly practiced thing at the Wild Animal Encounters park.

'Animals have got so much going on in the wild – food, shelter, predators, prey and so on - when they come into captivity we supply and delete a lot of that and the mental side in captivity is hard to match, so we try to enrich their lives as much as we can which includes investigating new areas,' Mr Britton said.