HELL HATH NO FURY like a woman with ill-fitting designer pants and a receipt bearing the hateful red block letters: 'FINAL SALE.' That woman, dear reader, was me-standing before a full-length mirror in my bedroom, puzzling over the inexplicable combination of a gaping waist and narrower-than-comfortable legs on a pair of Celine tuxedo trousers, and, of course, getting madder by the minute. Shopping well requires information, which of course takes time to acquire. Here are some of my own rules.
Believe in Love at First Try.
This is not as head-in-the-clouds romantic as it sounds. What it means: If a piece-particularly a high-end designer one-doesn't immediately make you feel fantastic, walk away. Those pesky bugs, like a collar that doesn't sit right or a too-snug fit, will only bother you more as time goes on. I still recall the experience of trying on one of my most winning purchases-a black wool coat by Stella McCartney that I still wear some three years later. I felt like nerdy Clark Kent changing into his Superman tights: cooler, chicer, smarter. That's now my bar with expensive clothes. When you get that feeling, take the plunge. Missing out on something great is a mistake. Incidentally, this was the first rule broken with the aforementioned Celine pants. In the store, I fidgeted endlessly with the flawed fit, which should have been a blanket-sized red flag.
这句话并不像听上去那样浪漫。它的实际意思是:如果一件服装(特别是大牌设计师的作品)并有马上给你很棒的感觉,那就赶紧走开。如果衣服设计上存在一些烦人的小问题──例如衣服领子看上去不够端正、领口太紧等,那么随着时间的推移,这些问题会更加困扰你。我仍记得我试穿Stella McCartney设计的一款黑色羊毛大衣时的感受。我感觉就像书呆子Clark Kent穿上了他的超人紧身衣:自己变得更酷、更时髦、更聪明了。大约三年过去了,我仍穿着大衣。现在这已经成为我购买高价衣服的标准。如今这是我决定是否购买昂贵衣服时采用的一个准则。当你有那种很棒的感觉时,就买下它。错过一件很棒的衣服是一个错误。顺便说一句,这就是我买上述Celine西裤时违反的第一条准则。当时在店里试穿时,我穿着这条不合身的裤子纠结了半天,这本应该是一个再明显不过的警示信号了。
Sales Are Suspect.
This is the second rule I violated in La Affaire Céline. What are the odds that a classic piece from a coveted fashion brand would drop to over 50% off? Zero. Well-made wardrobe builders rarely languish on racks. What lingers there are irksome skirts and troubled tops that 20 people tried on and rejected. 'I would see the pieces left at the end of the season at Mick Margo,' said Ms. Ferber. 'It wasn't like they weren't pretty, but something was a bit off.'
这是笔者在购买La Affaire Céline时违反的第二条准则。作为一个高档时尚品牌的经典款式,折扣幅度超过50%的可能性有多大?当然是零!大品牌做工精良,基本上不愁销路。剩下的都是不怎么样的裙子和有问题的上衣,估计有20人试穿过最后又不要的那种。费伯说,季末Mick Margo会有些没卖出去的货,这些衣服也不是不好看,就是有点不对劲。
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