In the face of something marked down to 70% off, some shoppers resort to a form of magical thinking in which they doggedly conclude that a size 12 piece can be transformed into a size 2 in a Honey-I-Shrunk-The-Frock way. Major tailoring surgery changes proportions, and can turn the trapeze coat you thought you were buying into a capelet. And it still might not fit. Co-founder of clothing label Apiece Apart Laura Cramer recalled buying a size 12 Chloé dress at Neiman Marcus's Last Call sale store years ago to wear while pregnant. Her belly quickly expanded beyond its limits, and when she tried to have the dress tailored to a size 4 post-pregnancy, the sleeves ended up far too slim. 'I'm waiting for the perfect person to give it to, someone with really skinny arms and a bit of a belly,' joked Ms. Cramer, whose line, launched with her friend Starr Hout, is grounded in essentials designed to help women avoid fashion mistakes.
面对一些打折幅度低至70%的商品,一些顾客一厢情愿地认为,一件12号的衣服可以神奇地缩小到2号。进行重大裁剪一般会改变衣服的比例,一件梯形大衣经过改动后,可能会让你以为自己买了一件披肩,而且改动后还未必合身。Apiece Apart的创始人之一克拉默(Laura Cramer)记得多年前在尼曼(Neiman Marcus)的大清仓活动中买过一件12号的珂洛艾伊(Chloé)品牌的衣服以便在怀孕时穿。她的肚子很快就长得穿不下了。后来孕期结束后她尝试着把这件衣服改成4号大小,结果衣服的袖子紧得不得了。克拉默开玩笑称,自己等着将这件衣服送给一个最合适的人,这个人得有很细的胳膊还得有点肚子。克拉默和朋友豪特(Starr Hout)共同创立了Apiece Apart,该品牌的设计主要帮助女性避免时尚误区。
Hold Grudges. Remember Your Friends.
As tempting as it might be to sweep your mistakes under the rug and forget them, I'd suggest keeping a list of blunders to avoid repeating the error. I learned the hard way with a black cashmere crew neck from contemporary line Equipment that, within a few wears, turned into a pilled mess. It was purchased under duress-I was leaving for a round of fashion shows in Europe and needed a sweater fast. In my closet, Equipment knits are now verboten, as are those from any brand I've found don't go the distance. (Equipment did not respond to a request for comment.) On the flip side, keep a list of labels which have done you right. (I later found my perfect black crew neck from Ann Mashburn.) You'll efficiently narrow the overloaded market.
尽管将买错的东西藏到角落里并忘掉它们的做法很有诱惑力,但我的建议是,记下犯过的错误以免重蹈覆辙。我买过的一件Equipment品牌的黑色圆领羊毛衫给我留下了教训。穿过几次之后,毛衣起球严重,简直是一团糟。当时买下它也是情势所迫──我需要动身去欧洲参加一系列时尚秀,急需一件毛衣。现在我的衣柜里不允许出现Equipment的针织衫,就像其他我发现不耐穿的品牌一样。(Equipment没有回应置评请求。)另一方面,也要记下适合你的品牌(我后来在Ann Mashburn找到了完美的黑色圆领毛衣)。这样你就可以在繁杂的市场中有效缩小选择范围。
The Internet Giveth, the Internet Taketh.
Knowing what's out there is crucial to shopping error-free. That's never been easier with the myriad e-commerce sites that let you sift through new merchandise in minutes, as well as tools like the shopping section on Ms. Davis's Keep It Chic blog where she posts an authoritative selection of pieces from Net-a-porter, Barneys and others. And new e-commerce site the Line has such a sharply focused offering that, if I shopped solely from it, chances are I'd never err.
了解情况对于避免购物失误至关重要。但这并不容易,无数的电子商务网站让你可以在几分钟内挑选新品,还有类似Ms. Davis的Keep It Chic博客等购物相关工具可做参考。Davis会在博客上发布权威的Net-a-porter、Barneys等商家的精选单品。而新的电子商务网站the Line所提供的商品有着统一的主题,如果你只从这里购物,几乎不会有犯错的机会。
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