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空喊口号解决不了问题 幸福离不开财富


Can we buy happiness? This perennial question is back at the top of the agenda.

Pharrell Williams, whose gloriously catchy song “Happy” is the biggest international hit in years, declares that you are happy “if you feel like a room without a roof”. Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecoms magnate who was the world’s richest man for many years, suggests that it is time, rather than money, that we should value. He has proposed a three-day working week. People could work three 11-hour days and then enjoy their family.
法瑞尔•威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)唱过一首极其动人的歌曲《幸福》(Happy),多年来一直位列全球最热门歌曲。他在歌里唱到,“如果你感觉自己是一个没有屋顶的房间”,那么你就是幸福的。曾多年位居全球富豪榜首位的墨西哥电信业大亨卡洛斯•斯利姆(Carlos Slim)认为,我们应该重视的是时间,而非金钱。他提出每周工作3天。人们可以每周工作3天,每天工作11小时,接下来就享受与家人一起的时光。

The idea stirred up much reaction, but it made sense. Latin countries have a working day with a siesta for lunches, or mixing with family. Even though they are poorer in economic terms, many visiting Americans and northern Europeans have the sense that they are happier.

空喊口号解决不了问题 幸福离不开财富

Economists want to measure this. Happiness is of course subjective, and hard to measure. But pollsters have asked questions about it for decades now, while economists interpret the data.

Research in the 1970s suggested that within one country, richer people were happier than poor ones. This tended to confirm the belief that as humans we are programmed to compete. But it also found that countries grew no happier as they grew wealthier, while rich countries were no happier than poor countries.

As many assume that life is about “the pursuit of happiness,” and the implicit goal of economic policy is to maximise GDP, this created a problem. Taken to its logical extreme, it implied that there was no need to prioritise economic growth.

In recent years, Justin Wolfers, an economist now working at the Brookings Institution, armed with new polling data, has tried to show that there is no paradox. He summarised his findings in a speech to the CFA Institute in Chicago last week.
最近几年,现供职于布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的经济学家贾斯汀•沃尔弗斯(Justin Wolfers)手中有了新的调查数据,他试图证明,这里面不存在悖论。他最近在芝加哥特许金融分析师协会(CFA Institute)的一次演讲中总结了他的发现。

His data include international polls carried out by the World Values Survey, which has been in operation since 1981, the Gallup World Poll, which started work in 2005, and the Pew Global Attitudes Survey, which has conducted surveys since 2002. These surveys reveal that the link between wealth and happiness is not only strong, but stronger than most would think. Within countries, people get happier as they rise up the income scale, with surveys showing that 100 per cent of those on more than $500,000 a year are happy.
他的数据包括“世界价值观调查”(World Values Survey,始于1981年)、“盖洛普世界调查”(Gallup World Poll,始于2005年)以及“皮尤全球态度调查”(Pew Global Attitudes Survey,始于2002年)等全球调查。这些调查显示,财富与幸福不仅关系紧密,而且紧密程度超出多数人的想象。在国家内部,人们会随着收入水平的提高而感觉更幸福,调查显示,年收入超过50万美元的人100%都感觉幸福。

Their sample size is too small: plainly some very rich people are unhappy, but they eluded these surveys. The finding seems so robust that at any given level of income, the best single way to make you happier is to give you more money.

There are also signs, from what is still very limited data, that growing wealth tends to make nations happier – and the reverse. Americans grew far less happy once their economy slipped into a severe recession in 2008. And people in rich countries are happier than in poor.