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If there is anything surprising here, it is that wealth is more important to happiness than many would expect, not less. The simpler and less complicated lives in poorer countries do not compensate for the money that can be made for people living more complicated and stressful lives in more successful economies. And Mr Wolfers even points to surveys suggesting that we do not, collectively, feel a need to compete against the Joneses. People do not measure themselves against others.

Surveys have even tried to break down the components of happiness. And indeed, Mr Wolfers shows that people in wealthier countries are more likely to complain of stress, and of feeling worried.

But these correlations are not strong. Meanwhile, on a battery of measures, people in rich countries have a better chance of happiness: they are less likely to have experienced physical pain recently (presumably because they are less likely to do manual work); less likely (surprisingly) to have suffered depression; more likely to have had good tasting food to eat; more likely to smile and laugh a lot; and more likely to be treated with respect. They are less likely to be angry or bored, and somewhat more likely to feel well rested.

What are the implications of this? First, economic growth should be an imperative after all. Perhaps we really should be working flat-out in the western style after all, despite Mr Slim’s suggestions.

And some paradoxical implications of earlier research now vanish. Letting some people be richer than others is not a problem – the key is to raise income for all, and not to worry if some do far better.

For employers, Carlos Slim’s suggestion of flexible working may be worth a try, but the inconvenient truth is that the best way to a happy workforce is to pay them.

If this evidence and its implications do not convince, we could always follow Pharrell Williams. Economists could ask everyone to “clap along if you know what happiness can do for you”.

John Authers is the FT’s Senior Investment Columnist