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为照顾家庭 男性CEO开始辞职

He credits his wife for helping to pick up the slack when he was away. Not an easy task considering her high-pressure role as a doctor and Stanford professor.
他表示,他不在家人身边的时候,是妻子分担了他的责任。这项任务并不轻松,因为作为一位医生兼斯坦福大学(Stanford University)教授,她同样面临巨大压力。

“Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood,” Schireson wrote. “Somehow, the same people don’t ask me.”

Questions like these have gnawed at women, who openly debate the value of work and family. Sheryl Sandberg has encouraged women to “lean in.” Cover articles in national magazines have delved into the minutiae of making the right choice as a mom and a professional, not to mention the countless blog posts in response to both.
这样的问题一直困扰着女性,她们也开始公开谈论工作和家庭的价值。谢丽尔•桑德伯格鼓励女性“向前一步”(lean in)。全国性杂志的封面文章也深入探讨了如何在母亲和职业女性之间做出正确的选择,更不用说无数博客文章了。

While it’s enviable that Schireson can step down as CEO to simply work “normal full time” as vice chairman, the fact that a male CEO is asking the same questions that a female CEO might ask is an important step towards leveling the playing field for top executives, regardless of their gender.

It’s time for the “having it all” debate to move beyond gender. The math is the same, as Schireson concludes, whether you’re male or female:

“Will that cost me tens of millions of dollars someday? Maybe. Life is about choices. Right now, I choose to spend more time with my family and am confident that I can continue to have an meaningful and rewarding work life while doing so.”