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认真的筷子玩笑 百度筷搜庐山面目


Chopsticks are the ultimate mature technology, unimproved for thousands of years. But now a Chinese internet company has upgraded them to tackle a very modern challenge.

Baidu, the search engine, unveiled a prototype pair of “smart” chopsticks to form the last line of defence in Chinese diners’ battle against “gutter oil” and other food scares.

认真的筷子玩笑 百度筷搜庐山面目

The new chopsticks, called Kuaisou, should allow diners to take food safety into their own hands. They are fitted with electronic sensors that flash a red light when they come into contact with oil that has more than 25 per cent of total polar materials, an indicator of freshness, according to Baidu.

The readings picked up by the chopsticks are then relayed to the consumers’ smartphone, via a dedicated app. The chopsticks are also able to pick up a variety of other readings on food freshness, acidity and nutrients, Baidu said. However, there is no date yet for their commercial production.