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When soccer’s top international tournament, theChampions League, begins its group stage on September 16, it will offer a chance for Europe’s top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending.
国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(Champions League)于9月16日展开小组赛。欧洲的顶级俱乐部将利用这次机会,展示他们夏季斥资引援的成果。

And quite a summer of spending it was: Teams in England’s Premier League spent EUR1.05 billion (about $1.4 billion) buying players, up from EUR752 million last year. In Spain’s La Liga, the teams paid EUR479 million. And in Italy and Germany, they spent EUR328 million and EUR315 million respectively.

Of course, European soccer operates like any international talent business, with top performers gravitating to the most generous employers.


“Transfer spending is analogous to the international balance of trade, where wealthy leagues usually import more talent than lower revenue domestic leagues,” says John Vrooman, a Vanderbilt University sports economist.
美国范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)体育经济学家约翰o弗鲁曼表示:“转会花销类似于国际贸易差额。比起收入较低的国内足球联赛,富有的联赛通常会引入更多人才。”

So it is no surprise that Premier League clubs spent the most, considering that its revenues hit EUR2.9 billion in the 2012-2013 season, compared to EUR2.0 billion and EUR1.9 billion for the German and Spanish leagues, according to Deloitte’s Annual Review of Football Finance.
根据德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte)发布的足球财政年度报告(Annual Review of Football Finance),在2012-2013赛季,英超联赛收入29亿欧元,而德国和西班牙联赛分别收入20亿欧元和19亿欧元,考虑到这点,英超联赛的俱乐部花钱最为慷慨也就不足为奇了。不过今年夏天的斥资引援也体现了欧洲足球联赛在组织上的很大差异。将英超联赛和西甲联赛进行对比,这种差异体现得尤其明显。

But this summer’s spending also puts on display the vast differences in how European soccer leagues are organized. This is especially true when one compares England’s Premier League with Spain’s La Liga.

Since its founding in 1992, the Premier League has distributed television revenue fairly evenly. Currently, all international distribution revenues are spread evenly among the teams, as is half of the domestic TV income. The rest of the domestic income is paid out depending on performance and television appearances.
这种分配相对平均的做法,使得英超联赛各队的电视转播收入相差无几。在今年5月结束的赛季中,赚钱最多的利物浦队(Liverpool)在电视转播上收入1.22亿欧元,仅是垫底的卡迪夫城队(Cardiff City)的1.57倍(收入7,770万欧元)。这种公平的分配体系让规模较小的英超球队也有财力购买球员,这使得联赛在人才引进方面的整体花费水涨船高。