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Winter into Spring

Spring is the best season: when winter starts to let up and the weather gets warmer, you can finally go outside with fewer layers on… it’s total bliss! It can be a tough transition for your skin though; it may be tough to make the decision of when to go back to a lighter summer lotion, and give up the thicker winter lotions.

Tips to spring ahead with skin care:

Start to again be diligent about a face cream with a sunscreen in it; your skin hasn’t seen the sun in a while and the stronger it gets, the more you are at risk for a burn.

While it is still chilly, and before the humidity starts in, keep using your winter moisturizer on your face at night before bed.

Once you start to feel more humidity in the air, and the weather gets consistently warmer, you can switch to a lighter lotion for your body

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate off that dull winter skin to look and feel refreshed!
3、一旦你开始感觉到空气中的湿度,和天气变暖了,你可以转变风格,使用更加清爽的乳液  4.角质脱落了,冬天的黯黄肌肤重新充满活力

Spring into Summer

During the summer months, despite the fact that we may be spending more time outdoors, between wearing sunscreen, and the humidity, we are actually locking more moisture into our skin. All that said, remember that if you spend a lot of time in the sun, reapply sunscreen frequently and also wearing a hat/cover-up can go a long way in preventing a burn, which will suck all of the moisture right out of your skin, and can cause long-term damage.

Tips for perfect summer face:

Wear sunscreen with a minimum if SPF 30 and reapply every 90 minutes (or after prolonged swimming, sweating, etc.)
1、每隔90分钟就涂抹一次至少是SPF 30的防晒霜。(或长时间的游泳,出汗等等之后再次涂抹防晒霜)。

After showering, you can use a light lotion to quickly absorb into your skin. Lotions with antioxidants can always help to prevent free radicals that can cause cancer, so it’s great for your face and other frequently exposed to the sun areas.

Don’t forget SPF on your lips to prevent dry lips and sun damage.

If you do get a burn, aloe vera and/or oatmeal-based lotions can go a long way to help to add that moisture back into your skin and soothe the burn.

Despite all of the products and timing to use lotions, SPF, and everything else, one of the BEST things you can do for your skin? Keep hydrated! Drinking your 8 glasses of water a day helps to flush toxins and keep you moisturized from the inside!

Yours in Good Health!