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BOSTON — David Baldwin wasn’t sure how he had come across the other day in group therapy at the hospital, near the co-op apartment where he lives with his rescue cat, Zoey. He struggles with bipolar disorder, severe anxiety and depression. Like so many patients, he secretly wondered what his therapist thought of him.
波士顿——大卫·鲍德温(David Baldwin)和他救助的猫咪佐伊(Zoey)共同居住的合作公寓附近有家医院,不久前的一天,他在那里参加了一次团体治疗,但并不确定自己当时给人留下了怎样的印象。鲍德温一直在与会让人陷入极度焦虑和沮丧之中的躁郁症做斗争。和很多患者一样,他会暗自揣测治疗师对他的看法

But unlike those patients, Mr. Baldwin, 64, was able to find out, swiftly and privately. Pulling his black leather swivel chair to his desk, he logged onto a hospital website and eagerly perused his therapist’s session notes.
但与其他患者不同, 64岁的鲍德温能迅速地、悄悄地找到答案。他把黑色皮转椅拖到自己的书桌前,随后登录到医院的网站,急切地看起了他的治疗师对那次会谈的记录。

The clinical social worker, Stephen O’Neill, wrote that Mr. Baldwin’s self-consciousness about his disorder kept him isolated. Because he longed to connect with others, this was particularly self-defeating, Mr. O’Neill observed. But during the session, he had also discussed how he had helped out neighbors in his co-op.
临床社工斯蒂芬·奥尼尔(Stephen O’Neill)写道,鲍德温对他的疾病感到尴尬,这让他处于孤立的状态。奥尼尔注意到,该状态给他带来了强烈的挫败感,因为他渴望与人交往。但在治疗期间,他也曾谈论过自己是如何给合作公寓里的邻居们帮忙的。


“This seems greatly appreciated, and he noted his clear enjoyment in helping others,” Mr. O’Neill wrote. “This greatly assists his self-esteem.”

A smile animated Mr. Baldwin’s broad, amiable features. “I have a tough time recognizing that I’ve made progress,” he said. “So it’s nice to read this as a reminder.”

Mental health patients do not have the ready access to office visit notes that, increasingly, other patients enjoy. But Mr. Baldwin is among about 700 patients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who are participating in a novel experiment.
心理疾病患者是无法便捷地查询门诊病历的,尽管罹患其他疾病的患者已经逐渐可以这样做了。但包括鲍德温在内,以色列堂-女执事医疗中心(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)的大约700名患者正在参与一场新奇的实验。

Within days of a session, they can read their therapists’ notes on their computers or smartphones. The hope is that this transparency will improve therapeutic trust and communication.

“We’re creating a revolution,” said Dr. Tom Delbanco, a professor of medicine at Harvard and a proponent of giving patients access to notes by therapists as well as by physicians. “Some people are aghast.”
“我们正掀起一场革命,”主张允许患者查看治疗师及医生所做记录的哈佛大学(Harvard)医学教授汤姆·德尔班科(Tom Delbanco)表示,“有些人被惊呆了。”

The pilot project has raised questions in the mental health community. Which patients will benefit and which might be harmed? How will the notes alter a therapeutic relationship built on face-to-face exchanges? What will be the impact on confidentiality and privacy?

And the project presents difficult choices for those who argue for parity between medical and mental health patients. Should patients with schizophrenia, for example, who may stop taking their medication after reading that they are doing well, have the same access to treatment notes as those with irritable bowel syndrome?

But the lingering underlying question is, do patients really want to know what their therapists think? Dr. Kenneth Duckworth, who is the medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an advocacy group, said: “I’ve offered to share my notes with patients and they’ll say, ‘No, I’m good.’ But it’s a good concept that should be researched.”
在人们脑海中徘徊的根本问题则是,患者真的想知道他们的治疗师是怎么想的吗?倡导组织“全国心理疾病联盟”(National Alliance on Mental Illness)的医务主任肯尼思·达克沃斯(Kenneth Duckworth)博士表示:“我已经表示愿意和病人分享我做的记录,而他们会说‘不用了’。但它是一个值得研究的好想法。”

The practice is so new that it is too early for a comprehensive evaluation. The Department of Veterans Affairs, which began making medical and mental health records available online last year, is only just beginning to study the effect on mental health patients.
这种做法非常新颖,对其加以综合性评估还为时尚早。去年着手把内科和心理疾病病历放在网上以便查阅的退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs),也不过刚刚开始研究该做法对心理疾病患者的影响。

Older studies from psychiatric wards where patients read charts with doctors found that the patients were confused or offended by the content. But as doctors helped interpret their notes, patients began participating more in their care and trusting their team.

Although Beth Israel therapists report that some patients have no interest in reading their notes, responses from a few have been positive and powerful.

Stacey Whiteman, 52, a former executive secretary in Needham with multiple sclerosis, faces growing cognitive as well as physical difficulties. The disease has shaken her self-image and relationships; her psychological health affects her willingness to manage the disease. She finds that her medical and mental health notes complement each other.
尼德汉姆(Needham)公司前行政秘书斯泰西·怀特曼(Stacey Whiteman)患有多发性动脉硬化症,面临着身体和认知上的双重问题。这种疾病损害了她的自我形象和人际关系;糟糕的心理健康状况影响了她控制病情的意愿。她发现,内科和心理疾病病历是互为补充的。

“Yes, the therapy notes can be hard to read, and sometimes I wonder, ‘Really, I said all of that?’ ” she said. “But there’s no question that reading this stuff just charges you back up to moving forward.”

While such a program may be feasible in larger systems like Beth Israel, a Harvard hospital, some solo practitioners fear it may require too much time and technological sophistication.

But Peggy Kriss, a psychologist in Newton, is an early adopter. For over a year she has maintained a website with private pages for patients on which she posts session notes, as well as articles, videos and meditations.
不过,牛顿市的心理学家佩吉·克里斯(Peggy Kriss)是一位先行者。一年多来,她一直在维护一个由服务于患者的私人网页构成的网站。除了会谈记录,她还会在上边发布文章、视频以及自己的一些思考。

Toward the end of each session, she and the patient begin the note together defining the key points that have been raised.

Dr. Kriss said that for most of her patients, online notes have become the new normal. One described them to her as a security blanket between appointments.

Some write replies. “An O.C.D. patient told me I was spelling things wrong,” Dr. Kriss said. “So I said, ‘I’m just modeling anti-perfectionism for you.’ ”

The Beth Israel project grew out of OpenNotes, a program by Dr. Delbanco and his colleagues that made physicians’ notes accessible to 22,000 patients at three institutions. A 2011 study showed that patients responded positively and became more involved in their care.

More systems are adopting the model. At least three million patients now have swift access to office visit notes, including observations and recommendations.