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But even those institutions have hesitated to share mental health notes. Critics have raised concerns about whether reading notes could prompt anxiety and even rejection of treatment. What will happen if the patient posts the notes on Facebook, inviting comment?

Proponents of access point out that such notes, which include extensive diagnostic reports, are already available to other doctors and to insurers.

Although patients have long had the right to their records, the process to obtain copies can be protracted. If a doctor thinks that reading notes would be harmful to the patient or others, they can be withheld.

Mindful of such pitfalls, the Beth Israel psychiatrists have offered notes initially to only 10 percent of patients. Clinical social workers are making notes more widely available, though some therapists have temporarily opted out. Nina Douglass, a social worker in the ob-gyn clinic, worries about patients with abusive partners. If the abuser insisted on reading the notes, the patient could be in danger.
考虑到此类潜在的困难,以色列堂-女执事医疗中心的心理医生初步只向10%的患者提供了病历。临床社工们正把病历提供给更多患者,但一些治疗师暂时选择了退出。妇科门诊部的社工尼娜·道格拉斯(Nina Douglass)担心,有些患者的伴侣言语恶毒。如果这样的人坚持要阅读病历,可能会将患者置于险境。

“I can imagine that our work can be deepened and enhanced through people reading their notes,” Ms. Douglass said. “But one size doesn’t fit all.”

Mental health notes have very different readers: the therapist, who may use them as a memory prompt; other doctors treating the patient; insurers; and now the patient. Writing a note with necessary information for all can be daunting.

Mr. O’Neill, the social work manager, is pressing therapists to use straightforward descriptions. “I used ‘affect dysregulation,’ and a patient said, ‘What on earth is that? Are you saying I’m totally crazy?’ ” he said. “It just means they can get upset. So why not use the word ‘upset’?”

Some psychiatrists disagree.

“Diagnostic language is used among doctors to describe features of a mental illness,” said Dr. Brian K. Clinton, an assistant professor at Columbia University Medical Center who has written about sharing records. “I would be willing to discuss with a patient what I think. It’s a better way to communicate than a note I wrote for other doctors.”
“诊断用语是医生群体用来描述心理疾病特征的工具。”以病历分享为题写过文章的哥伦比亚大学医学中心(Columbia University Medical Center)助理教授布莱恩·K·克林顿(Brian K. Clinton)博士表示,“我愿意和患者讨论我的想法。比起让患者阅读我写给其他医生看的病历,这种交流方式更好一些。”

But Dr. Michael W. Kahn, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who wrote about the project in JAMA, said that if the therapist explained the diagnosis, some patients might feel relieved, knowing their behavior fits a pattern that others also experience.
但在美国医学会杂志(JAMA)上撰文探讨过该项目的哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School )心理学助理教授迈克尔·W·卡恩(Michael W. Kahn)博士说,如果治疗师对诊断加以解释,一些患者或许会感到如释重负,因为了解到其他一些人有着跟他们雷同的行为模式。

Dr. Glen O. Gabbard, a psychiatrist and professor at Baylor College of Medicine, said that opening notes to patients might have a chilling effect on doctors.
贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)的心理医生及教授格伦·O· 加巴德(Glen O. Gabbard)博士称,向患者公开病历,可能会让医生不愿表达看法。

“A psychiatrist would be less likely to put down anything he is musing about as diagnostic possibilities or write about what he feels the patient is leaving out,” he said.

Mr. Baldwin’s longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness: The hospitalizations. The manic episodes. The depression. The anxiety so crippling that two years ago, at a Costco parking lot, he couldn’t get out of the car.

As he withdrew into his apartment, pints of ice cream, Zoey, and the telephone became his constant companions. During the worst sieges of anxiety, he would call a few friends three, four times a day.

That is the man they recall, he recounted in his freshly tidied apartment. Its décor is hopeful: a multicolored rug, violet curtains, a jaunty lime-green wall.

And so is Mr. Baldwin. He is trying to lose weight, maybe someday have a new man in his life.

He clicked open another therapy note.

Mr. Baldwin “is continuing to try to push himself to get out more and to be more socially connected even while his emotions tell him to do the opposite,” Mr. O’Neill wrote, adding that his patient is “clearly making good, and even courageous, efforts on a number of fronts.”

Mr. Baldwin, who celebrated his birthday recently with a museum lecture, movie and dinner, flushed with pride.

“I’m going to email this to my friends,” he said.