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Qihoo 360 is poised to become the largest Chinese company to delist from the US after receiving a $9bn management-led buyout offer.
在收到90亿美元的管理层收购要约之后,奇虎360(Qihoo 360)或将成为从美国退市的最大中国企业。

The internet services group said after the close of US markets on Wednesday that it had received a “preliminary non-binding proposal” from a group led by Zhou Hongyi, Qihoo chairman and chief executive. The prospective buyers also include Citic Securities and Sequoia Capital China.
在美国股市周三闭市之后,这家互联网服务集团表示已收到一份“初步非约束性私有化要约”。这一私有化要约来自一个以奇虎360董事长兼首席执行官周鸿祎为首的团队,潜在买家还包括中信证券(Citic Securities)和红杉中国(Sequoia Capital China)。

The $77 per share offer equates to a 16.6 per cent premium over Qihoo’s closing price on Tuesday, and a 32.7 per cent premium over the average over the past month.


A number of Chinese companies have quit the US over the past couple of years, often due to poor valuations and thin liquidity compared to markets closer to home.

However, the trend has been accelerating rapidly this year, as a stock rally in China has further widened the valuation gap between US and domestic listings.

Qihoo’s deal would bring the value of Chinese companies going private in the US this year to $22.4bn, according to Dealogic, almost double the amount from the previous six years combined.

The exodus may also have been sped up by the listing last year of Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba. It became the largest public offering in history, raising more than $25bn when it listed on the NYSE.

However, its arrival may have taken attention away from some of the smaller Chinese internet companies, say analysts, depressing valuations just as those in China began to rise.

Qihoo’s shares have fallen 20 per cent since Alibaba’s debut in August last year. During that time, the tech-heavy Shenzhen stock index has more than doubled. Qihoo trades at 14 times next year’s earnings, compared with an average of 34 times for the Shenzhen market.

More second-tier Chinese companies are expected to follow suit and leave the US behind in favour of domestic or Hong Kong listings.

If successful, the move to take Qihoo take private would be largest in the US by a Chinese company, overtaking Focus Media’s $3.7bn management-led buyout in May 2013. Focus has since orchestrated a relisting in Shenzhen via a reverse merger, in a deal valuing the company at $7.4bn.
如果奇虎360的退市交易取得成功,它将超过分众传媒(Focus Media),成为从美国退市的最大中国企业。2013年5月,分众传媒曾斥资37亿美元,通过管理层收购的方式从美国退市。自那以来,分众传媒已通过逆向收购在深圳重新上市,估值已达到74亿美元。