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熊孩子“骚扰”小公鸡致死 全家面临全英动物园禁令


A family is facing a ban from every zoo in the country - after their children “harassed” a cockerel to death.

The children’s parents watched on laughing as they chased treasure Jake the cockerel around Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex.
这家人的孩子们在英国埃塞克斯郡(Essex)的热带羽翼动物园(Tropical Wings Zoo)追赶小公鸡宝贝杰克(Jake),而他们的父母却大笑着旁观。

Eyewitnesses said the terrified bird ran into a tree and collapsed dead in front of other horrified families.

Zoo bosses watched the drama unfold on CCTV and raced to the scene, but the family had fled.

小公鸡致死 全家面临全英动物园禁令

Other visitors handed over photographs of the parents and they are being circulated to zoos across the UK.

Manager Jay Wood said: “Some kids were behaving incredibly badly and harassed the cockerel so much that he ran into hiding.
管理员杰伊•伍德(Jay Wood)说:“有些小孩的行为极其糟糕。不断地骚扰小公鸡以致小公鸡到处躲藏。”

“Sadly while doing that, he ran into a tree and unfortunately passed away.

“It’s very upsetting to see and hear about such behaviour in our zoo.

“We don’t tolerate that behaviour to our animals, staff or other guests. It’s sad to think that anybody thinks its okay to come into our zoo and generally behave that way.

“The children’s behaviour is one thing, but the parent’s behaviour is another. It’s just very upsetting.”



CCTV:闭路电视(closed-circuit television)