Where: South Korea, Germany
When Soboll visits Seoul for business meetings, he anticipates the sort of feedback he will get by first making sure he understands the relationships of those across the table from him. The most junior team member speaks first to give some initial input and the decision maker typically speaks last to make the final call. The feedback order creates a formality to the meeting that helps the participants to understand the significance of each person's input, he adds.
German meetings, to that end, can feel equally cool, he said. There's often no way to tell how things are going. "German clients don't applaud or jump for joy," he said. "No one is going to spontaneously say how much they love this work."
zero in: 瞄准
rule of thumb: 经验法则
deliberate: 仔细考虑;商议
straggler: 落后者
savour: 品尝;享受
backtrack: 改变主意;原路返回
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