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Two thirds of UK smokers have tried to quit in the last 12 months, a study has found. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found around five million adults have attempted to stop smoking in the last year, but one in five didn't even last a month.

And half of those who tried blamed a lack of willpower for their failure to kick nicotine. Despite not being able to pack them in for good, one third of users said they were able to cut back by more than 75 per cent while one quarter halved their intake by using alternatives.

The study by V2 Cigs UK also found six per cent of those quizzed defended their habit by claiming they were merely 'social smokers'. A further two in five have found alternatives to distract themselves and one in five roped a fellow smoker in to help them quit together.
英国V2 Cigs开展的这项研究还发现,6%的戒烟者声称他们只是‘社交烟民’,以此维护自己的习惯。此外,五分之二的人找到了替代物使自己分心,五分之一的人找到另一位烟民一起戒烟。

Over two thirds blamed their lack of ability to quit on a lack of sleep. The most common reason (61 per cent) for quitting among survey respondents was to be healthier, followed by 13 per cent who wanted to save money .

A startling five per cent only quit because they contracted a smoking-related illness. Paul Hunt, Managing Director of V2 Cigs UK, said: “It's good to see that so many people have decided to give vaping a go.”
令人惊讶的是,5%的人戒烟只是因为他们患上了与香烟有关的疾病。英国V2 Cigs的总经理保罗•亨特说道:“很高兴看到这么多人愿意尝试电子烟。”

''It's been widely researched and found that it can be significantly helpful for those trying to quit smoking for good." Many people have never even tried e-cigarettes because they're worried about their safety and how addictive they are.

''But it's important to realise how much of a safer alternative vaping is than smoking, as e-cigarette contain significantly fewer cancer-causing chemicals.'' However, credit goes to the one in five who have quit and managed to stay smoke-free or those attempting Stoptober - the NHS ' month-long campaign, which has driven a million quit attempts to date.''