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Prince Harry's American bride-to-be Meghan Markle is distantly related to both Churchill and Shakespeare, research by genealogists has shown.
系谱学者调查发现,哈利王子的美国未婚妻梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)是丘吉尔和莎士比亚的远亲。

Meghan, 36, who was born in Los Angeles, is William Shakespeare's fifth cousin 13 times removed, the researchers said.

The actress and wartime prime minister Sir Winston Churchill are sixth cousin five times removed, connected through Zachariah Howe, who came from a family of British settlers that originated from Essex.
梅根和英国战时首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Sir Winston Churchill)都是撒迦利亚·霍恩(Zachariah Howe)第六任侄子的第5位孙辈,撒迦利亚·霍恩是英国埃塞克斯生人。

Aaron Godfrey, MyHeritage spokesman, said: "When we heard the wonderful news about Harry and Meghan's engagement, we wanted to help Meghan discover some English roots of her own.
家族史移动应用MyHeritage的发言人艾伦·高弗瑞(Aaron Godfrey)说:“我们知道哈利和梅根订婚的消息后,希望能帮助梅根探索她和英国的渊源。”

"I'm sure she will be delighted to know that she comes from such prestigious British stock."

Meghan and Harry, 33, announced on Monday they were getting married in May 2018.

The couple met on a blind date in July 2016 and said their relationship had blossomed "incredibly quickly."