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The empire of Rupert Murdoch — the octogenarian mogul known for aggressively buying up media properties for decades — is set to be split up.

Disney on Thursday announced it would buy key parts of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock. The deal would give Disney the 20th Century Fox film and TV studios, cable properties like FX, a share in European media giant Sky, and a controlling interest in Hulu.

Fox's holdings will be pared down to focus on news and sports. A new company will include the Fox broadcast network, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, and Fox Sports.
福克斯今后将把发展重点放在新闻和体育上。新公司将包括如下几个部门: 广播网络、新闻频道、商业网络以及体育频道。

If approved by regulators, the deal positions Disney to better compete with newer competitors like Netflix and Amazon and would add a powerful roster of entertainment properties — like X-Men — to Disney's portfolio.

The agreement marks an unexpected swan song in Murdoch's long career as a buyer, not seller.

It is also something of an acknowledgment that only a few media powerhouses will survive in a new environment being reshaped by streaming services and consumers cutting the cable cord.

At the White House briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that President Trump spoke with Murdoch on Thursday to congratulate him on the deal. The president, who speaks with Murdoch frequently, believes the deal would be a great thing for jobs, Sanders said.
根据来自白宫的简报,新闻发言人Sarah Huckabee Sanders称美国总统特朗普在周四与默多克进行了会面并对这次收购成功表示了祝贺。Sanders 说,特朗普经常与默多克谈话,他认为这次收购会对增加就业有很大好处。