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Face the facts 


Not being sure of the extent of your cashflow problem will only stoke your anxiety. Schedule some time to go through all your statements and bills. Find out if you really are in the red and, if so, by how much. Knowing what you are dealing with is the first step to sorting it out. The mental health charity Mind suggests asking someone you trust to open the letters for you. 


Create a budget 


Once you have a handle on your outgoings, look at your income. Work out how much you have left over after you have met all of your obligations. When you know what you can afford to spend each month, you will feel more in control. Free apps such as Yolt and Money Dashboard can help you track your spending, while online banks such as Monzo let you set spending limits. 


Ask for help if you need it 


If your debts and other payments are too big to tackle, get help. Energy companies and banks will usually consider lower monthly repayments if you call and tell them you are struggling. Charities such as StepChange and Citizens Advice can help you check that you are claiming any benefits you are entitled to. They can also refer you to other services if you are experiencing anxiety. Sue Anderson, a spokeswoman for StepChange, says people shouldn't put off seeking help: "Delaying seeking help often makes problems worse – people often borrow to try to make ends meet and can end up in a spiral of ever more expensive borrowing as a result.” 

如果你的债务或其他支出对你而言太多以致于难以应对,那就寻求帮助吧。只要你找到能源公司帮你查看是否有你满足资格的福利保障让你申请。如果你正在焦虑,他们也能将你引向其他服务机构(来寻求帮助)。StepChange的女发言人Sue Anderson称,人们不应该迟迟不寻求帮助——“拖到最后才寻求帮助通常只会让事情变得更糟。人们经常试图通过借钱来达到收支平衡,这样往往会以比从前更高的、急剧上升的借贷成本为结果。” 

Build a buffer 


 If you can afford to put some money aside each month, create an emergency fund. Advisers typically recommend aiming for three months' earnings in an easy-access savings account, which you can use for unexpected expenses. If you can't manage that much, any funds you can build up will be helpful. Some employers offer savings schemes where money is redirected from your salary before you get a chance to spend it. The Yorkshire Building Society recently launched a similar "salary sacrifice” scheme to give more workers the ability to save as they earn. 


Understand your relationship to spending 


Not everyone with financial anxiety is on the breadline – it may be that even though you are comfortably off you feel panicked about spending and tend to hoard your cash rather than using it. It is worth reflecting on why that might be. Perhaps you grew up in a family with little money and don't want to return to that situation, or you have had a financial shock at some point, or maybe your job or relationship don't feel secure. Ask yourself if having more money in the bank would make you feel better, or if the cash could be used to do things to make you feel happier or safer. 
