
2013年英语专业四级听力真题 新闻1


Digital textbooks are transforming the way many students learn.电子课本正在改变着许多学生的学习方式。

All the Fairfax County Public Schools have begun using online course material for their middle- and high-school students.费尔法克斯县的所有公立初高中学校已经开始使用网络课程资料了。

This school year, the schools shifted from hard cover to electronic textbooks for social studies in its middle and high schools.本学年,初高中的学校的社会学科不再使用硬书皮装订课本,而改成了使用电子课本。

The switch came after digital books were used in 15 schools last year.这一改变是继去年的十五所学校使用电子课本之后发生的。

"Our students come to us technologically ready to use resources from a variety of different places," says Assistant Superintendent Peter Noonan.“我们的学生来学校学习,在技术层面上他们已经能够使用从不同来源获得的学习资源,”助理院长彼得·努南说。

"The world is changing constantly. The online textbooks can change right along with the events that are happening."“世界在不停地变化。在线课本可以随着发生的事情而改变。”

There's a significant financial benefit as well.另外一个显著地优势体现在经济方面。

"Usually it is between $50 and $70 to buy a textbook for each student," Noonan says,“通常一本教材的费用是每个学生50——70美元,”努南说,

"which adds up to roughly $8 million for all of our students.“我们所有的学生的教材费用加起来大概是800万美元。

We actually have purchased all of the online textbooks for our students for just under $6 million."而我们为学生们购买的各科在线教材实际上总共用了不到600万美元。”