
2013年英语专业四级听力真题 对话3


So, you've been in Graduate Recruitment for 5 years.那么,你从事毕业生招聘已经有五年了。


OK. Can I ask you a few questions about your work in Graduate Recruitment?好的,我能问一些有关毕业生招聘工作的问题吗?Sure.当然。

What do you find difficult about the job?你觉得这个工作最难的地方是哪里?

One problem is I don't have a background in IT.其中一个问题是我没有信息技术的相关背景知识。

And sometimes I get asked difficult technical questions during interviews which I just can't answer.所以有时候在面谈中我会遇到一些较难的科技问题,而我无法回答。

That can be a bit embarrassing.这会让我有点尴尬。So how do you deal with it?那么你怎么处理这个问题呢?

I find honesty is the best policy.我发现诚实就是最好的办法。

I just tell them it's not my area, and promise to contact one of our people from that field and e-mail them back.我告诉他们这不是我在行的领域,并且向他们保证我会联系懂的人然后回邮件给他们。

And they're happy with that?所以他们对这个回答满意吗?Yes, it usually works.是的,通常是满意的。

OK. I see you have a lot of job fairs experience.好的,我看到你有很多招聘会的经验。

How useful do you think they are?你觉得招聘会有怎样的作用?Yes. Attending job fairs at universities is an important part of my job.没错,我工作的一个重要部分就是出席各种大学招聘会。

I think they are really useful for making contact with careers development staff and prospective candidates.我认为招聘会是接触择业的开发人员和准候选人的有用方式。

It can be pretty tiring though, and it means you are out of the office a lot in the autumn and the spring.不过确实很累,它意味着你春天和秋天的大多数时间都不在办公室工作。

So, we try to share the work between the three of us.因此,我们尽量三个人分担工作。

That's fine. Now I'd like to know whether you've ever worked independently.很好。现在我想知道你是否曾经独立工作过。