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华尔街初级英语学习教程第8课:你喜欢....吗? Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
RENZO: Good evening, Mr Temple. Good evening,
Madam: Well, do you want a drink first, or do you want to eat now?
KRISTI: I'm hungry.
ROGER: OK, let's eat now.
RENZO: Here is your华尔街初级英语学习教程第8课:你喜欢....吗? Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
MRS MARKOVA: Hello! Can I speak to Mr Harry Carter, please?
HARRY: Carter here! Is that Mrs Markova?
MRS MARKOVA: Yes, it is.
MRS MARKOVA: Listen to me, Mr Carter. Can you come to华尔街初级英语学习教程第8课:你喜欢....吗? Act6 (MP3和文本下载)
HUGO: Good morning, Lucy.
LUCY: Good morning, Mr Peters. There's a message for you.
HUGO: Ah, is there? Who's it from?
LUCY: It's from Susan. She's back in Washdon next Wednesd华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
HARRY: Who is that man? I know him, but I can't remember his name.
MORAN: You're Roger Temple, right?
ROGER: Yes; do you have something for me?
MORAN: Yes, here it is. Take this华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
HARRY: Ough! Bash! Agh!
FRED: Hello, Mr Carter! Very nice to see you again. How are you?
HARRY: Oh hello, Fred! I'm alright. I’m just back from Paris, you know.
FRED: Nice f华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
CAROL: Good morning, John! You're late again. Mr Black is already here.
JOHN: Mr who?
CAROL: Mr Black! You have an appointment with him for 9:30! Don't you remember?
JOHN: Really华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
MARTIN: Well, Annie, here we are together. Do you like this restaurant?
ANNIE: It's very... expensive.
MARTIN: Oh, not really. Money isn't a problem for me. I take what I want, A华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
DAVID: Hi there, Dad!
HUGO: Hello, David! What are you doing here?
DAVID: Oh, I just want to say hi, you know.
DAVID: I have some news for you.
HUGO: Oh, do you? Is it good news or华尔街初级英语学习教程第9课:打电话与见面Act6 (MP3和文本下载)
DAVID: Good morning! This is Julie, your new teacher.
STUDENTS: What? Who? Why?
FRITZ: I don't want a new teacher! I like my old teacher!
MARCO: He isn't so old, Fritz!
JEANNETTE华尔街初级英语学习教程第10课:国外旅游Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
DEBORAH:Hello and welcome. My name’s Deborah Simkowitz. I’m American, I come from Pittsburgh, PA, and I work as a tour guide in England. I show groups of tourists aroun
华尔街初级英语2016-07-13华尔街初级英语学习教程第10课:国外旅游Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
JOHN: Morning, Hugo. Morning, Annie!
HUGO: Good morning, John. How are you?
JOHN: Gee, I’m great! But I’m in a real hurry this morning. I have an appointment at 9:30 wi华尔街初级英语学习教程第10课:国外旅游Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
DEBORAH:Well, here we are, in Brighton, and this is our hotel. What do you think of the hotel, dear?
ALAN: Oh, it’s fine. Kind of old-fashioned, but fine. Anyway, I’m r华尔街初级英语学习教程第10课:国外旅游Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
ROGER: Hey Kristi, I'm hungry. Is dinner ready yet?
KRISTI: No, it isn't! Look Roger, why don't you cook dinner sometimes? I'm not a housewife! I have an important job, too.
RO华尔街初级英语学习教程第11课:国外旅游Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
MARY: Hey! Look at this poster!
AIKO: Yes? It's your brother's group, isn't it?
MARY: Yes! He's coming to Washdon next week!
AIKO: Ooh! That's nice. How long will he be here?华尔街初级英语学习教程第11课:国外旅游Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
DEBORAH:Well, here we are in Lewes. It’s a small town about 8 miles from Brighton, and, as you can see, we’re standing outside the train station - or railway station, a
华尔街初级英语2016-07-13华尔街初级英语学习教程第11课:国外旅游Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
SUSAN: Hello? 320 4651.
KRISTI: Is that Susan?
SUSAN: Yes, when will you be here, Kristi? Lunch will be ready soon - in about ten minutes.
KRISTI: Well, look... I'm so sorry, Susa华尔街初级英语学习教程第11课:国外旅游Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
ALAN: Great! It’s time for lunch.
DEBORAH:‘The Panda Garden’.
ALAN: This’ll do. Let’s take a quick look at the menu.
DEBORAH:But it’s a Chinese华尔街初级英语学习教程第11课:国外旅游Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
JOHN: Hi there, Annie! How are you this evening?
ANNIE: Fine, thanks.
JOHN: Is your Dad well?
ANNIE: Yes, he's fine.
JOHN: Great! How's Martin? When are you getting married?
ANNI华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
COMPÈRE: And this is Mr Japan!
COMPÈRE: OK, Mr Japan, you're from... from...
MASU: I'm from Okayama.
COMPÈRE: Sorry? Where?
MASU: I'm from Okayama.
COMP&Egr华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
HUGO: Is this your car?
JOHN: Yes, it is. My keys! Where are my keys?
JOHN: Oh, no!
HUGO: What's the matter?
JOHN: They're in my car!
JOHN: No, it's impossible!
HUGO: Come in my华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
DAVID: Hi there, Dad!
HUGO: Hello, David! What are you doing here?
DAVID: Oh, I just want to say hi, you know.
DAVID: I have some news for you.
HUGO: Oh, do you? Is it good news or华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
MARY: Hey! Look at this poster!
AIKO: Yes? It's your brother's group, isn't it?
MARY: Yes! He's coming to Washdon next week!
AIKO: Ooh! That's nice. How long will he be here?华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
JOHN: Can I come in?
KRISTI: What? OK, come in.
KRISTI: Oh, it's you!
JOHN: Hello, Kristi. I'm sorry I'm late.
KRISTI: You're not late, you're early. You're one hour early.
J华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act6 (MP3和文本下载)
I.O.: What's your name, please?
MARY: My name's Mary Hartman.
I.O.: Sorry? What's your first name?
MARY: My first name's Mary.
I.O.: And what's your last name?
MARY: My last n华尔街初级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act7 (MP3和文本下载)
RADIO ANNOUNCER: It's 8 o'clock! 8 o'clock in the morning! Good morning!
RADIO ANNOUNCER: It's 9 o'clock in the morning. Good morning!
RADIO ANNOUNCER: It's 10 o'clock in th
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